The original Redeye was a direct box or re-amping device using a a Little
Labs custom wound transformer. This transformer was chosen for its
sonic characteristics and is made with the same core material and wind-
ing technique as the legendary UTC transformers found in many classic
pro audio devices. The New Redeye 3D Phantom features two of these
excellent transformers for simultaneous direct box and re-amping use.
We have also added to the now called Redeye 3D a very high quality, hi
fi, phantom powered, high impedance instrument buffer. When you are
using the Redeye 3D with sensitive passive pick ups, this high quality
buffer assures no tone change from loading will occur.
For those who use active pick ups or prefer the sound of a passive direct
box, you still have the option of plugging into the Redeye 3D direct box
passively as in the original Redeye, with no phantom power necessary.
Besides the active buffer circuitry and the two transformers, the Redeye
3D is just a volume control and a bunch of high quality switches and
connectors in a nice chassis.
You can make a couple custom changes internal to the Redeye 3D that
might be just what a few of you need, but we'll talk about that later.
redeye 3D phantom
what is it made of?
redeye 3D phantom
interfacing guitar pedals
The Redeye 3D is a simple and easy way to interface guitar pedals
into a pro environment. Simply plug the Redeye 3Ds instrument re-amp out
into the pedals input then plug the pedals output into Redeye3Ds instrument
in (you can use the buffered or unbuffered in, it will most likely make little
difference). Feed the mic level out into a microphone preamplifier and you
have a +4dB balanced line level in and out effect. BUT NOTE !! Keep the di/
re-amp button engaged or you get a loop and a nasty squeal will result!
Many times you can come right out of the pedal and into the console
without using the Redye 3Ds DI. You might have to turn the line trims up a
little, and this way you don't have to be paranoid of disengaging the re-amp
redeye 3D phantom
diy mods
The Redeye 3D has a couple things you can do internally which a
small majority of you might want.
Input Impedance increase on the buffered input. I will only suggest you do
this if you are a piezo pick up user that doesn't use a pre-amp in front of the
piezo, or for some bass guitars. On standard guitars, Telecaster, Strat or Les
Paul it will just sound clangy. The resistor to change is #209 to probably a
10 Meg ohm. Solder carefully, keep it clean kids or you'll void the warranty.
Instrument/re-amp level trim fully clockwise will change from uni-
ty to +3dB. This gives you a little gain on the instrument re-amp out that you
can always turn down, and only works when using the buffered instrument
in. Change the zero ohm jumper from #16 to #17. Solder carefully, keep it
clean kids or you'll void the warranty.
Convert the un-buffered in to a buffered out long guitar cable driver.
Change the zero ohm jumper #16 to a 100 ohm resistor and jumper a wire
over the normal on the tip of the jack. Solder carefully, keep it clean kids or
you'll void the warranty.