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REDEYE 3D PHANTOM is a registered
trademark of little labs.
redeye 3D phantom
seven easy steps to accurate re-amping
1) Plug your passive pick up guitar into the active buffered instrument input on
the front of the Redeye 3D or your active instrument into the un-buffered instru-
ment input on the rear.
2) Plug the male xlr mic level out into a microphone preamplifier. If you are
using the active buffered instrument input turn phantom power on the pre on.
3) With all buttons on the Redeye 3D out, plug your guitar amp into the instrument
re-amp out. Strum your instrument and listen, if you have a hum, not a typical
pick up related hum, but a constant hum like a half stuck in the guitar amp jack
hum, try the earth lift switch, that should cure it. If you don't, don't push anything.
4)Feed the output of the microphone preamplifier into whatever your recording
medium is, could be protools, a tape machine, a DAW with a funny name or...
and put this machine in input so you monitor thru the machine.
5) With the gain settings set low on the microphone preamplifier push the re-
amp button in on the Redeye 3D. Slowly bring your gain up on the Microphone
pre-amplifier so the sound level coming from your amp sounds the same as when
the Redeye 3D was in DI mode (button out) you can go between the two setting
until it's right. That shouild be your right setting. If you find you are hitting the
recording medium too hard to get the level you need, you can push in the re-amp
overdrive in and back off the microphone preamp level.
6) Go ahead and record something, when playing back, the Redeye 3D must be
in re-amp mode.
7) The sound coming back should sound exactly like what you heard when the
recording mediium was in input and provided your microphone preamplifier is
relatively clean and your recording medium is also clean it should sound very
close to plugging and playing directly into the amp.
You might not have the luxury of having the whole re-amp chain but trying this
method will give you confidence that your re-amped signal will sound "correct".