An RCD (Residual Current Device) type circuit breaker rated to support the expected load must be
included in series with the output, and cable cross-section must be sized accordingly. This breaker
should be as close to the inverter as possible. If this breaker is not of the RCD (Residual Current
Device) type, GFCI receptacles must be used at all AC outlets.
The inverter is provided with a ground relay that automatically connects the neutral output to the
chassis if no external AC supply is available. In an RV installation, the inverter chassis must be
connected to the vehicle chassis ground (via the negative distribution buss). The chassis grounding
conductor must be not less than one size smaller than the DC positive conductor and have a capacity
such that the DC positive fuse has an amperage rating not greater than 135% of the current rating of
this grounding wire. When using an inverter sub panel, the inverter neutrals must return to the
inverter sub panel and not the main AC panel.
Inverter Diagram
LITHIONICS BATTERY, CLEARWATER, FL 33765 USA | PH: 727.726.4204 | FAX: 727.797.8046 | WEB:
A warning label should be installed at the main AC panel to indicate that there is an inverter in the