Setting Range
49 : Brake Control (Desired frequency attained
52: Timer Input
100 to 149: 0 to 49 with Inverse Output
E3: Multi-Function Analog Input
Terminal A1 Signal
Level Selection
0: 0 to 20 mA
1: 4 to 20 mV
2: 0 to 10 V
3: 0 to 5 V
Default: 2
Range: 0 to 3
Terminal A1
Function Selection
0 : Main Frequency Command
2 : Output Frequency Lower Limit
3 : Auxiliary Frequency Command
4 : Output Voltage Bias
5 : Acc./Dec. Time Gain (Decrease Only)
6 : DC Braking (DB) Current
7 : Stall Prevention Level During Run
8 : PID Feedback
9 : PID Target
10: Differential PID Feedback
11 : Overtorque/ Undertorque Detection
18: Communication Mode 1
19 : Communication Mode 2
21 : Retain
Default: 0
Range: 0 to 21
Terminal A1 Input
Sets the terminal A1 input gain as a percentage
when inputting 10V
Default: 100.0 %
Min.: -999 %
Max.: 999.9 %
Terminal A1 Input
Voltage Bias
Sets the terminal A1 input voltage bias as a
percentage when inputting 0V
Default: 0.0 %
Min.: -999.9 %
Max.: 999.9 %
Terminal A1 Input
Filter Time
Sets the terminal A1 primary delay filter time,
which can eliminate the interference
Default: 0.05 s <7>
Min.: 0.00 s
Max.: 2.00 s
E4: Multi-Function Analog Output
Terminal FM
Monitor Selection
Selects the terminal FM monitor.
0 : Frequency Command
1 : Output Frequency
2 : Output Current
3 : Motor Speed
4 : Output Voltage
5 : DC Voltage
6 : Output Power
Default: 1
Range: 0 to 10