Guard Rails
Bridge Track
Support (1pc)
Bridge Pillar
Bridge Stand
Your new race car arrives with braided pick-ups. The pick ups
need to be moved so they are facing the back of the car.
- Ensure the pick ups are not touching eachother
- Never pull the car BACKWARDS when placing them
on the track, this will damage the braids.
- Make sure the braids do not fan out.
Powerbase Set-up
Let’s get ready to race!
Once your track is fully assembled it’s time to power it up!
- Plug the controllers into the base, the connectors are phone-jack styled so they can only
go in one way.
Practice mode:
Whenyou slide the switch to the right you have selected "PRACTICE MODE". This mode will
allow you to drive and hone your skills. This mode does not limit laps or use the electronic
lap counter.
Race mode:
When you slide the switch to the left you have selected "RACE MODE". Race mode accesses
the lap counter and using the arrow buttons you can create your race distances. Races can
be as short as a 1 lap sprint or a 99 lap endurance race. As a handicap you can also create
different lap lengths to equal out drivers skill levels. Increase or decrease the laps using the
arrow keys.
Reset/Go button:
When in Race mode and the race distance has been set. To start the race push the Reset/Go
button. The LED lights on the LAP Counter will flash as a count down to the start of the race.
This delivers power to the cars at the same time. TIP: you can hold the Throttle on the
controller in any position to give you a hard launch off the line - this is also called Launch
Race End:
As the laps wind down and the winner crosses the Start/Finish line, the power to both
controllers will be cut. The LED's on the Lap counter will flash on the race winner! With the
power to both lanes cut you can see the true separation of the victory!
Short Circuit Protection:
Your new slot car set has built-in electrical protection. If the Short Circuit Protection is
activated, the lap counter display will start to blink continuously and power to the track will
be stopped. Should this happen, investigate track sections for any small metal debris and
check thae metal pick-up braids on the car are set properly.
All of your main track sections simply snap together. Sets with a High Bank or an Overpass
use adjustable supports. Guard Rails clip to the edge of track sections - snap the Guard Rails
together first, then install into track.
Track Components
Race Car Set Up