LPW / LPWs / LPWX enGIne oPeRAtoRs' HAnDBooK
Replace the radiator fan drive belt, irrespective of
its condition.
Check the lubricating oil pressure.
Renew the air cleaner element.
Every year
Drain, fl ush and refi ll the cooling system, adding
new coolant concentrate to a 50% concentration.
If your engine is fi tted with an aluminium radiator
you are advised to Drain, fl ush and refi ll the cooling
system with de-ionized or distilled water, adding
new coolant concentrate to a 50% concentration.
See 4.3.1.
Drain and replace the lubricating oil and fi lter,
irrespective of their condition, if the engine has run
for less than 250 hours in the preceding twelve
On marine engines, change the air cleaner
element, if it was not changed at the prescribed
Every two years
Replace the coolant hoses, irrespective of their
When necessary
Undertake a decake/major overhaul.
5.4 DRIVe BeLt
The tension of the drive belt (see fi gure
5.4) must be checked:
1. After the fi rst 50 hours;
2. Every 250 hours;
3. After an overhaul when the belt is
refi tted or replaced.
4. The drive belt must be replaced
every 2000 hours, irrespective of its
When a new belt is correctly fi tted and
tensioned, a force (F) of 31.0 -33.5 N
(7.0-7.5 lbf) is required to defl ect it a
distance (d) of 3.5mm (0.14in).
On subsequent checking and
adjustment a force (F) of 22.0-24.0N
(5.0-5.4lbf) is required to defl ect it a
distance (d) of 3.5mm (0.14 in).
5.4 Checking drive belt tension.
F denotes force and d denotes distance.
5.5 CooLInG sYsteM
Draining the Cooling system
the cooling system is pressurised
and extreme care must be taken
when removing the radiator cap if
the engine is hot.
1. Place a suitable container under the
radiator bottom hose if the coolant is
to be retained.
2. Slacken the clips of the hose and
slide the hose off.
3. Remove the radiator fi ller cap.
4. Allow suffi cient time for the system
to drain.
Flushing the Cooling system
1. With the bottom hose removed,
fl ush the radiator through the fi ller
with clean fresh water, preferably
using a hose pipe, until clean water
2. With the top and bottom hoses
removed from the engine, flush
the engine through the top hose
with clean fresh water, preferably
using a hose pipe, until clean water
3. Replace the hoses.