LPW / LPWs / LPWX enGIne oPeRAtoRs' HAnDBooK
• Do you know and understand the
engine and all the related systems?
• Do you have suffi cient electrical
and mechanical knowledge and skills
to understand the symptoms?
• Do you have suitable electrical
diagnostic equipment available?
• Do you have, or have access to, the
necessary Lister Petter spare parts?
5.2 IMPoRtAnt InstRUCtIons
• Remove the battery before carrying
out any maintenance work on an
• Disconnect the battery and
alternator before commencing any
electric welding when a pole strap is
directly or indirectly connected to the
• Fuel pumps and injectors can only
be checked and set off the engine using
suitable specialist test equipment.
5.3 MAIntenAnCe sCHeDULe
The table on page 17 sets out the
frequency with which maintenance and
servicing tasks should be performed.
This is the minimum frequency
required to keep your engine running
at peak performance with trouble-free
The instructions are based on average
operating conditions. Air cleaners,
lubricating oil and fuel fi lters will require
more frequent attention if conditions
are very dusty. De carbonising may
be required more often if the engine
has been running on light loads for
long periods.
5. RoUtIne MAIntenAnCe
This section is designed primarily for use
by trained technicians but it does contain
sufficient information, illustrations
and detail to allow the operator to
perform basic maintenance work.
routine maintenance must be
performed by qualifi ed personnel
who are conversant with the
hazards of oil, fuel, electricity and
This work can be carried out only if
the necessary hand and service tools
are available. When the user has
insuffi cient tools, experience or ability
to carry out adjustments, maintenance
and repairs this work should not be
Where accurate measurements
or torque values are required they
can only be made using calibrated
Under no circumstances should
makeshift tools or equipment be
used, as their use may adversely
affect safe working procedures and
engine operation.
Th e s e r e c o m m e n d a ti o n s a n d
instructions cover several engine models,
therefore they are of a general nature.
The engine may include optional
equipment not specifi cally covered in
this book.
5.1 BeFoRe stARtInG
Before starting any dismantling
procedure read
1. Safety Information
and Pre cau tions
. Consider the