Rev: 10.27.22
Page 7
"Retract Error" screen (Fig. 9) will appear if with ignition on and touchpad on or in “sleep” mode
(display off, power to control still on). If the control receives signal from the pressure switch (meaning
the internal pressure of the hydraulic system has dropped below 2,150 psi, connection lost from
pressure switch to control) The control enters retract all mode. If pressure switch does not open
back up after 10 seconds, the audible alarm can be prompted (2 seconds on, two seconds off, 70-85
decibels), jacks will stop retracting and this screen to be displayed. Alarm to run until coach ignition is
off or pressure switch opens up indicating that optimal pressure is reached. Home (Fig. 9A) or Menu
(Fig. 9B) icons can be presses to silence the alarm.
ignore this alarm. There may be a jack
down or component failure, possibly making it dangerous to drive. Operator can use the home or
menu icon and reach “retract jacks” function.
Fig. 9
Retract Error
10. Figure 10, "Level Success!" screen is prompted after auto level feature has successfully completed.
Accompanied by an audible chime (3 seconds long). Screen stays active for 5-10 seconds, then returns
to home screen (Fig. 1).
Fig. 10
Level Success!