Design and Installation
User Manual V1.01
4. Design and Installation
This chapter discusses the different possibilities for driving the
products from a
higher-level control system as well as the operating states of the control electronic unit
in detail. Further, the interfaces and the installation are described in order to get familiar
with the possibilities of the
products and be able to optimally embed them in
the application.
This chapter shows the basic functions of the LinMot system explaining the –AT
functionality as an introduction. For extended functionality of –MT and –DP electronic
units, please read the manual for SW Rel. 1.3.
4.1 Operating modes
A wide range of operating modes are available for driving (setting the reference values)
the actuators connected to the electronic unit. The desired set values can be given
directly through an analog interface, or else they can be stored in the electronic unit in
form of curves and tables, that can be run on a digital trigger signal from the higher-
level control system.
Figure 4-1: Operating modes of the LinMot electronic unit
A detailed description of the operating modes that can be configured for each connected
motor individually is given in the following chapters. The operating modes differ
according to the different actuators linear motor
, stepper motor and inductive
load (magnet, valve, ...) and are therefore treated separately.