LinkBone Switch User manual, 8x8 Matrix/Dual 8x8 Matrix type
will be displayed to use the newly configured device new IP address for accessing configuration
Figure 20: The network settings configuration page.
Telnet Server
To connect to LinkBone Switch Telnet server a client program is needed (figure 21). In the
address bar of the client enter the device IP address and port 23. After successful connection to the
server a welcome message is displayed. The system accepts text commands described in Chapter 7
Text commands accepted by LinkBone Switch 8x8 Matrix/Dual 8x8 Matrix type
). The number of
simultaneously open client Telnet sessions is limited by the server. All inactive telnet sessions are
closed automatically after 2 minutes in order to save system resources. To keep the session alive
execute one of telnet text commands before the timeout e.g. ping.