G4 Wiring and Installation Manual
© 2009 Link
1. If you have a .pcl file containing a base
configuration, this is the time to load it into the
ECU. To do this, select ‘Open’ form the ‘File’
menu. Select the required .pcl file and then select
‘Ok’. When prompted if you want to load the file
into the ECU, select ‘Yes’.
2. Click on the ‘Configuration’ heading in the tuning
function tree (top left of PCLink Tuning Software
a. Select the correct engine type
b. Select the correct number of cylinders/rotors.
c. Enter the engines firing order.
3. Click on the ‘Fuel’ heading, then ‘Fuel Set-up’:
a. Select the desired Injection Mode (e.g.
Sequential or Group).
b. Select Injector Control method (e.g. Saturated
or Peak and Hold) (Xtreme ECU only). Also set
the correct injector peak and hold currents.
c. Set main fuel table load axis control parameter
(e.g. MAP, MGP or TPS).
4. Click on ‘Accel Enrichment’:
a. Turn Accel Mode OFF for first time set-ups.
5. Click on ‘IAT Fuel Correction’:
a. If air temperature correction is to be used and
an air temperature sensor is fitted, select the
required ‘IAT Mode’ (e.g. 2D Table or 3D
Table). Note that the default 2D Table is
recommended for the majority of applications.
b. Turn OFF air temp correction (under ‘IAT
Mode’) if air temperature correction is not going
to be used
6. Click on ‘Injector Deadtime':
a. Select the appropriate Injector Type. If the
required injector type is not listed, select the
closest type available. The injector dead time
table will be set up later when the engine is
7. Click on ‘Fuel Temp Correction’:
a. Set ‘Fuel Temp Mode’ to OFF if not required.
b. If fuel temperature correction is required and a
fuel temperature sensor has been fitted, set
‘Fuel Temp Mode’ to the desired type.
8. Click on ‘Overrun Fuel Cut’:
a. Set ‘Fuel cut Mode’ to OFF.
9. Click on ‘Fuel Advanced’, then ‘Dual Fuel Table’:
a. Set 'Dual Table Mode' to OFF.
10.Click on ‘4D Fuel Table’:
a. Set ‘Fuel Overlay Mode’ to OFF.
11.Click on 'Injector Test';
a. Turn each injection channel on one by one and
check that the correct cylinders injector clicks.
Fix any problems now if the injectors do not
12.Perform a Store to permanently save changes to
the ECU by pressing F4.