(Pin F12):
The Negative Input of the Error Ampli-
fier. Internally, this pin is connected to V
with a 100k
0.5% precision resistor. Different output voltages can be
programmed with an additional resistor between the V
and SGND pins. See the Applications Information section.
MARG0 (Pin C12):
LSB Logic Input for the Margining
Function. Together with the MARG1 pin, the MARG0 pin
will determine if a margin high, margin low, or no margin
state is applied. The pin has an internal pull-down resistor
of 50k. See the Applications Information section.
MARG1 (Pins C11, D12):
MSB Logic Input for the Margin-
ing Function. Together with the MARG0 pin, the MARG1 pin
will determine if a margin high, margin low, or no margin
state is applied. The pins have an internal pull-down resistor
of 50k. See the Applications Information section.
SGND (Pins D9, H12):
Signal Ground Pins. These pins
connect to PGND at output capacitor point.
COMP (Pins A11, D11):
Current Control Threshold and
Error Amplifier Compensation Point. The current com-
parator threshold increases with this control voltage. The
voltage ranges from 0V to 2.4V with 0.7V corresponding
to zero sense voltage (zero current).
PGOOD (Pin G12):
Output Voltage Power Good Indicator.
Open-drain logic output that is pulled to ground when the
output voltage is not within ±10% of the regulation point,
after a 25µs power bad mask timer expires.
RUN (Pins A10, B9):
Run Control Pins. A voltage above
1.9V will turn on the module, and below 1V will turn off
the module. A programmable UVLO function can be ac-
complished with a resistor from V
to this pin that is has
a 5.1V zener to ground. Maximum pin voltage is 5V.
NC (Pins J12, K12, L12):
No Connect Pins. Leave floating.