User guideline NORTEC sonic
Issued by: PM Floor Division
Page 6 of 6
5.2 Continuous contact with water
Continuous contact with water has to be avoided absolutely as this leads inevitably to a
damaging of the floor system.
Water-tight saucers have to be used with plant tops and trays.
Cleaning and maintenance instructions
Basic principles conditional to the system have to be considered for the cleaning and
maintenance of the floor coverings on system floors. A soaking of the floor is generally to
be avoided as with moisture-intense cleaning, there is the danger of swelling, corrosion,
delamination of coverings and the damaging of sensitive installations (e.g. smoke
detector). Spilled water has to be taken up immediately with a cloth. Also with spilled liquids
are the contaminated resp. concerned panels to be taken out and cleaned.
Cleaning of textile coverings:
Dusting by vacuuming or vacuum brushes.
Cleaning of hard / elastic coverings – visible perforation
The floor system should only be cleaned and maintained slightly damp. The
cleaning devices like a mop or similar may not release mopping water resp. care
emulsion into the perforation holes.
The cleaning water can penetrate into the perforation with the use of wet cleaning
machines. This has to be avoided absolutely.
Generally, an overwatering, too much spraying with cleaning agents as well as
the brushing with the cleaning and care agent is to be avoided. The superfluous
water will be taken up by the panel with the penetration of humidity into the
perforation and therefore we can not guarantee the assured static values
anymore. The humidity can as well saponify the covering glue which leads to a
detachment of the covering.
Residues of the dirty water can also form up on the underside of the panel with
overwatering which can lead to the formation of mould fungus.
You find further information in the cleaning and maintenance instructions of the
manufacturer of the covering.
Should you have any further questions, however, we are gladly available to provide you with any information.
Tel49 (0) 87 23 / 20-26 51 Product Management Flooring Systems