rev 20-10
Fire dampers and control mechanisms do not require rou-
tine maintenance.
Extraordinary maintenance (repairs) and periodic in-
spection operations are the responsibility of the ventilation
system operator.
It is recommended to keep enough space (about 200mm)
for using or replacing the control mechanism or for main-
tenance. Also provide the necessary space to remove the
ventilation duct from the damper whenever necessary.
It is recommended to provide inspection hatches on both
sides of the ducts connected to the fire damper.
The implementation of a periodic inspection plan allows to
guarantee the efficiency and functionality of the fire dam-
pers for the fire safety of the building.
Periodic inspection and cleaning
Periodic inspection shall be performed in accordance with
the requirements of the law or by the building regulations
or other local regulations.
In the absence of specific regulations (or to their comple-
ment), in accordance with point 8.3 of the EN 1560 stan-
dard, it is recommended to carry out the following control
activities at intervals of no more than 12 months:
Check the servomotor electrical wiring for damage
(where applicable);
Check end-switch wiring for damage (where applicable);
Check damper cleanliness and clean where necessary;
Check the condition of blades and seals, rectify and re-
port where necessary;
Check the correct opening and closing of the fire dam-
per by manual operation according to the instructions in
the technical manual of the fire damper;
Check the opening and closing operation of the damper
controlled by the fire alarm system (if present);
Check the operation of the end switches in open and
closed state, adjust and report if necessary;
Confirm that the damper fulfils its function as part of the
control system (where necessary);
Check that the damper is left in its normal operating po-
sition, which usually corresponds to the open position.
For safety reasons, repair activities involving fire-fighting
components must be carried out only by qualified person-
only original spare parts supplied by the fire damper ma-
nufacturer must be used.
A functional test must be performed after each repair.
At the end of the inspection, cleaning or repair operations,
check that the fire damper is in the normal operating po-
Keep records of all inspections, repair activities, any pro-
blems encountered and their resolution.
This practice, even when not mandatory, is very useful in
Disposal in case of destruction must be carried out in
accordance with national legislation. For electrical and
electronic parts also refer to EU Directive 2011/65.
We reserve the right to make changes without prior notice