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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Subject to modificaitons
Form 403013
ADR Installation, continuation
Mounting of the Pump – Areas of Risk
According to pa ragraph 9.7. 8 of the ADR directive, vehicles
with hazardous g oods type FL a re divided into zones, ac-
cordin g to th e EX prescriptions.
These are the correspondences:
- tank inside
zone 0
- fitting cab ine t
zone 1
- shut-o ff devices
zone 1
- venting devices
zone 1
Zone 2 is loca ted a round zones 0 and 1.
The installation of the centra lized lubrication system
allowed outside of zones 0, 1 a nd 2 , only,
where by the
exte nsion is no t determined in the ADR d irective.
Rega rding t his use the form to con firm the ADR-concurring
installa tion.
T -AD R-0 10a08
Areas of ri sk