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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Form 403013
4 202a9 9
Fig. 2-3 Screwing Quicklinc fitting into the Zerk-Lock body
Screw the Quicklinc fittin g into the Zerk-Lock bod y and
tighten until part resists further t igh tening (about 1-1/2
6001a0 2
Quicklinc hex. is 12 mm.
Zerk-Lock b ody hex is 1/2 ’’.
Move the Zerk-Lock and tube fitting from side to side on
the g rease fitting to insure the Zerk-Lock is firmly sea ted.
Installation Instructions, continuation
Connection of Feed Lines
4203 a99
Fig. 3-1 Feed line installed in the Quicklinc fitting
Lay feed lines to each lubricatio n point with the shortest
possible route. Make sure to observe the minimum bend-
ing radius.
Measure, cut and route the feed lines (included in t he kit).
6001a 02
Avoid sha rp bend s o f the p lastic t ubing
a nd the moving parts of the machine that
cou ld damag e the lub rica tion lines. Mini-
mum bending rad ius is 5 0 mm (2 in.).
Secure the lubrication lines to the machin e using nylon
ties, cla mps or straps provided in the accessory kit.
If the feed lines are not primed, prime all lubrication feed
lines before co nnecting them to the lube point (see para-
graph “First Filling of a lubrication system”).
41 57a07
Fig. 3-2 Feed line insert into the check valve up to the next white
Connect the fe ed lines directly to the check valve s o f the
divider block an d to the Quicklinc fittings of the lube point.
6001a 02
Push the ends of the feed line s firmly into
th e Quicklinc fittings until they are fully
sea te d in the body of the fitting. The
p rimed feed lines are marked with white
lines (fig. 3-2 ) to facilitate inst allation.
Cut off the pressure plastic tube up rightly at one of th e
white lines before it is mounted.
Then insert the feed line into the fitting up to the next
white mark.
This will ensure a correct installa tio n of th e feed line in t he
threade d tube fittin g.