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User Manual
Installation and Operating Instructions
Subject to modificaitons
Form 403013
Programming Mode
Press Display
4222 a99
4214a 99
> 4 se c.
4215a 99
Fig. 12-1 Starting programming mode
Starting programming mode
To access to the programmin g mode,
pre ss both but-
a t the same time
> 4 seconds
, so tha t “P1” ap pears
in th e display.
When rele asing the t wo butto ns, t he curren tly set value ap-
pea rs (fig. 12-2).
P1: Set stand-by time
Press Display
4222 a99
4 281a00
Fig. 12-2 Set stand-by time
Press bu tton.
Settings a re mad e in one d irection: ………..…. 1, 2, 3, …16 h
Button p ressed o nce ...... ......................... increases by 1 hour
Button p ressed cont inuously ....... .................. quick sequence
Factory setting: …...……………………………..……. 06 hou rs
Th e stand -by time is indicated by a
decim al point
on the
4209 a99
Fig. 10-5 Rotating segment for lubric ating time
The lubricateng time is d ispla yed as a rotating se gment.
The mon ito ring time starts tog ether with t he lubricating
time .
If at the beg inning of a lubricating time (after th e pause
time or in the case of an addition al lubrication) there exists
a functional fault, the control unit doe s not receive any
fe edback from the p roximity switch. After the monitoring
time (
15 minutes
with AC-versio n or
25 minutes
with DC-
version ) the pump switches o ff. On th e membrane keypad
th ere ap pears the flashing signal
* Er *
(fu nctional fault).
4210 a99
Fig. 11-1 Display for a fault indication
In the display mode the membra ne keypad shows *
Er *
as f lashing signal for an unacknowled ged malfunction.
After refillin g the lub ricant reservoir or removin g the mal-
fu nctio n wit h an a dditional lubrica tion the p ump is ready
fo r operation. Th e flashing fault indication
* Er *
pears again.
Before that th e malfunction can be confirmed (Fig. 11-3).
< 2 sec.
42 14a99
Fig. 11-3 To acknowledge a malfunction
To acknowledge a malfunction:
The flashing display changes into a contin uous light by
pressin g the button (acknowledging). To acknowledge,
press the button only briefly (< 2 sec.).
Me ssag es that h ave bee n acknowledged but h ave not yet
been remedied flash again after the pump is switched off
and on aga in.
Setting and Operation, continuation