Italian food
Japanese restaurant
Japanese food
Mexican restaurant
Mexican food
Seafood restaurant
Other restaurant
Other food
Shopping mall
Grocery store
Bus station
Ferry terminal
Historical monument
Park and ride
Rental car agency
Rest area
Rest stop
Tourist information
Train station
Business facility
City center
POI off
Commuter rail station
While in navigation destination (DEST) mode, the following commands
are available:
Go home
Previous starting point
Go starting point
Next way point map
First way point map
Second way point
Third way point
Fourth way point
Fifth way point
Destination map
Delete destination
Cancel destination
While in navigation guidance mode, the following commands are available
by voice activation:
Repeat guidance
Repeat voice
Voice guidance off
Voice guidance on
Open guidance screen
Close guidance screen
Arrow guidance
Arrow guide
Change to arrow guidance
Change to arrow guide
Turn list guidance
Turn list guide
Change to turn list guidance
Change to turn list guide
2004 Navigator
Owners Guide (post-2002-fmt)
USA English
Entertainment Systems