English 14 English
As shown here, after the
TIG torch trigger is quickly
pressed and released from
step 3A, it is possible to
press and hold the TIG
torch trigger another time to
end the downslope time
and maintain the output
current at the Crater
current. When the TIG
torch trigger is released the
output will turn OFF.
This sequence operation, 4-step with restart disabled, is
the default setting from the factory.
4-Step Trigger Sequence with Restart Option
To select 4-Step with restart sequence:
Press several times until the LED above lights up
Enter Menu GTAW and enable 4RST option.
If 4-step restart is enabled from the setup menu the
following sequence will occur for steps 3 and 4 (steps 1
and 2 are not altered by the restart option):
3. Press and hold the TIG torch trigger. The machine will
now decrease the output current at a controlled rate,
or downslope time, until the Crater current is reached.
4. Release the TIG torch trigger. The output current will
again increase to the Welding current, like in step 2, to
continue welding.
If the weld is completely finished, use the following
sequence instead of step 3 described above.
3.A. Quickly press and release the TIG torch trigger.
The machine will now decrease the output current
at a controlled rate, or downslope time, until the
Crater current is reached and the output of the
machine is turned OFF. After the arc is turned
OFF the postflow time will start.
As shown here, after the
TIG torch trigger is quickly
pressed and released from
step 3A, it is possible to
press and hold the TIG
torch trigger another time to
end the downslope time
and maintain the output
current at the Crater
current. When the TIG
torch trigger is released the
output will again increase
to the Welding current, like
in step 4, to continue welding. When the main part of the
weld is complete go to step 3.
As shown here, again after
the TIG torch trigger is
quickly pressed and
released from step 3A, it is
possible to quickly press
and release the TIG torch
trigger a second time to
end the downslope time
and stop welding.
Spot TIG (GTAW welding)
Enter in Menu GTAW to enable spot welding function.
When enabled, the spot tig function replaces the 2S
trigger sequence.
To select Spot function:
Press until the LED above lights up
This welding mode is especially thought to tack or weld
thin materials.
It uses HF start and immediately delivers the set current
without any upslope/downslope.
When spot is selected automatically you have this setting:
Working only in HF mode
Upslope and downslope are disabled
When spot is selected in left display without any welding
operation you can see the text:
V.V indicates the output voltage [1.0-1.5V] when not
While right displays shown the set current.
For default the spot time is 0s: that means the output
current is delivered only when the trigger button is
The welding time is set with the spot time control and will
be constant independently from the operation of the
To set the spot time, user has to push SEL button until
text SPT appears on the left display: turning now the main
know is possible to set SPT time from 0 to 100s.