The purpose of the application policy is to define areas of responsibilities in relation to applying a LINAK product
defined as hardware, software, technical advice, etc. related to an existing or a new customer application.
LINAK products as defined above are applicable for a wide range of applications within the Industry areas. Yet,
LINAK cannot know all the conditions under which LINAK products will be installed, used, and operated, as each
individual application is unique.
The suitability and functionality of the LINAK product and its performance under varying
conditions (application, vibration, load, humidity, temperature, frequency, etc.) can only be verified
by testing, and shall ultimately be the responsibility of the LINAK customer using any LINAK
LINAK shall be responsible solely that LINAK products comply with the specifications set out by LINAK and it
shall be the responsibility of the LINAK customer to ensure that the specific LINAK product can be used for the
application in question.
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