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Activating the learning mode:
Activate the reset key on the RFR by using a pen or similar to keep the button pressed.
• Keeping the reset key activated; the RF handset must be activated by pressing a random key on the RF handset.
The RF handset IDs are stored in the memory and at the same time, previous RF handset IDs are erased.
• After having activated the RF handset keys the reset key must be released.
• If no RF handset keys are activated during the matching procedure; no changes are made in the ID memory.
• Please be aware that other equipments (as e.g. doorbells), which use the 433 MHz can disturb the RF signal.
Every RF handset has its own 32 bit unique address and the RF protocol contains a check sum which ensures that only
the handset that has been activated during the learning process can activate the system. No noise signal from other RF
equipment can activate the system, but might prevent it from running depending on the signal strength of the noise signal.
The operation range for the HB10 is approx. 6 m, but depending on the surroundings where it is mounted it can be less. E.g.
if the receiver is mounted in a cabinet along with other equipment.
To avoid signals getting disturbed, do not use more than two RFRL boxes in one room.
The RF uses the frequency 433 MHz
How to place the RFRL box
The RFRL box must be mounted minimum 30 cm from the CBD and conductive mains cables.
Correct placement
Wrong placements
Min. 30 cm