Configure the IC actuator with BusLink 2 software
The actuator can be controlled from within the software using the buttons at the bottom of the screen. These
controls are available at all times. The “Run In/Out” buttons will run the actuator to the limits, real or virtual. The
step controls will move the actuator in selectable increments. The “Run To” function will move the actuator to an
arbitrary specified position. The actuator’s current status is shown on the right. These values are actively recorded
in a graph that will be explained later in this user guide.
Once connected, you will be able to click on one of three tabs in the top left. If you select CONFIGURE,
this screen will appear:
The overview will give you read-only information about the currently implemented parameters that can be
edited. Each parameter can be modified by clicking on the menu item to the left. Any changes made will be
shown in the “Unapplied Changes” box and will remain until you “Apply” the changes to the actuator.