Chapter 8.
Release Mode
Under Auto Pan Condition
When an alarm is triggered under Auto Pan, fast dome will go to the relevant position
at 360 /sec. After 60 seconds the alarm will be canceled automatically and back to
Auto Pan mode. If more than one alarm is triggered, the fast dome will moves between
alarmed points every 5 seconds and back to Auto Pan mode after 60 seconds.
Not Under Auto Pan Condition
When an alarm is triggered not under Auto Pan, the fast dome will go to the relevant
position at 360 /sec. After 60 seconds the alarm will be canceled automatically, and
dome will be back to first preset position. If more than one alarm is triggered, the fast
dome will move between alarmed points every 5 seconds and back to first preset
position after 60 seconds.
The audio alert for alarm trigger will remain on until it is manually canceled by push
the ALARM RESET key.
Chapter 8-9-2. Alarm Output
Each fast dome has 1 alarm output, with three contacts: Common, NC (normally close) and NO
(normally open) to activate linking devices.
When alarm response mode is set to LOCK Mode:
When the alarm is triggered, NC contact to Common will be open and NO contact to
common will be close. Alarm output will be back to the condition before alarm, 10
seconds after the last alarm is triggered.
When alarm response mode is set to RELEASE mode:
When the alarm is triggered, NC contact to Common will be open and NO contact to
common will be close. Alarm output will be back to the condition before alarm, 60
seconds after the last alarm is triggered.