Multiple Domes means that more than one fast dome is linked in the system. Each dome
connects to next dome forming a serial linking. Each dome has an individual ID dip switch,
which allows the keyboard to identify each fast dome and make command. Sometimes it is
more convenient to wire a telemetry system in star configuration rather than daisy chain. To
do this a PIH-804 data distributor is necessary. It takes an output from a keyboard or a matrix
and splits the single data line into 4 separate data lines. One keyboard can control up to 64
RS-485 Connection Between PIH-804 Data Distributor and Fast Dome
RS-485 Connection Between PIH-804 Data Distributor and Keyboard
1st output TXDI1+ of PIH-804 connects to TXDI+ of 1st fast dome and TXDI1- of PIH-804
to TXDI-of fast dome.
Linking 2nd Fast Dome
TXDO+ of 1st fast dome connects to TXDI+ of 2nd dome and TXDO- of 1st dome to TXDI-
of 2nd dome.
1st pin TXDI+ on RS-485 IN jack of keyboard connects to TXDO+ on RS-485 OUT jack of
2nd pin TXDI- on RS-485 IN jack of keyboard connects to TXDO- on RS-485 OUT jack of
Chapter 7.