DVR User Manuel 19
b. Via remote control
to navigate time frame (minute, hour, month, year)
to position unit selector
To start playback, press ‘enter’
Press Shift key to move between recorded data and time search.
to select time and date and press Enter key
c. Via keyboard
Use joystick directions up and down to navigate time frame (minute, hour, month, year)
Use joystick left and right to position unit selector
To start playback twist zoom the joystick
d. Via touch screen monitor
Select the specific time frame by pressing the time desired and then select the time by
dragging the box
Use pinch-to-zoom technique to change time frame
Select the time by dragging unit selector
To perform playback by tapping desired time within camera bar
e. Via mouse
Navigate time frame by pressing the desired time period
Select the time you would like to view by dragging unit selector
Use mouse to enter time and date in time search bar using the scroll wheel or up and
down arrows on screen
To perform playback by clicking on the playback icon