DVR User Manuel 15
Chapter 4: Freeze
The DVR can freeze live video screen images and perform playback. The DVR is still recording
although it is under “freeze” mode.
a. Via front panel
1. Press Pause icon on the front panel
2. The Pause icon at the top left-hand corner of the screen will be highlighted in colour blue
once being paused
3. To return to live mode by pressing Pause icon again
b. Via remote control
1. Press Pause icon on the remote control
2. Once paused, the pause icon at the top left-hand corner of the screen will be highlighted in
colour blue
3. To return to live mode by pressing the Pause icon again
c. Via keyboard
1. Press the Pause button on the keyboard
2. Once paused, the pause icon at the top left-hand corner of the screen will be highlighted in
colour blue
3. To return to live mode by pressing the Pause key again
d. Via touch screen monitor / mouse
1. Press the Pause icon at the top left-hand corner of the screen
2. Once paused, the pause icon will be highlighted in colour blue
3. To return to live mode by pressing Pause icon again