DVR User Manuel 14
Chapter 3: Digital zoom
The DVR provides 64x digital zoom capacity for live monitoring and video playback modes. To
digitally zoom in/out the video, please follow the steps below:
a. Via front panel
1. Select desired channel
2. To zoom in or zoom out by using inner control on jog shuttle
3. To move the video screen by using direction keys (move to left, right, up, or down)
4. To return to constant live view press Shift key
5. Click onto the desired camera channel then proceed selecting a different camera screen
b. Via remote control
1. Select the desired channel
2. Press Zoom button to perform zoom-in or zoom-out
3. Use directional keys to move the video screen left, right, up, and down
4. To return to constant live time video view by choosing one of the following screen-split style
c. Via keyboard
Alternative method
d. Via touch screen monitor
1. Select desired channel
2. Use pinch-to-zoom technique to perform zoom-in and zoom-out
3. Swipe in from left to right, right to left, up to down, or down to up onto the screen to
browse through the entire touch screen features.
4. One tap any space on the screen in order to return back to constant live view
5. To return to live view, tap once anywhere on the image
e. Via mouse
1. Select desired channel
2. To zoom in and out by using mouse wheel
3. Left-clicking the mouse, drag and release the mouse in order to move the video screen
4. To return to constant live view by clicking anywhere on the video screen