Document 36 II Guardian Version 1.02 © Copyright 2008 LPI
Figure 23.
1. First, remove the Black PVC Outer Sheath for a length of 165cm by cutting radially
round the HVSC cable with the supplied insulation friction cutting tool (this is less likely
to damage individual copper conductors than by cutting with a knife). The lengthwise cut
can be completed with a knife, but take great care not to score the White XLPE Insulation.
Also remove the clear plastic lining over the copper.
2. Measure and mark the outer copper screen wires at 3 cm above the end of the Black PVC
Outer Sheath. (Figure 23) With the cutters, carefully cut and remove the wires, again
without damaging the White XLPE Insulation below.
3. Using the insulation friction cutting tool, remove the White XLPE Insulation to expose
the Inner Copper Conductors for a length of 5cm from the top end of the HVSC (Figure 24).
Also remove the clear plastic lining over the copper conductors.
4. Remove the Black Inner PVC Filler core under the Inner Copper Conductors by folding
back the Inner Copper Conductors to expose the Filler core, then cut and remove with a
knife. Return the Inner Copper Conductors to their original position. (Figure 24)
Figure 24.
Figure 22.
Guardian Install Manual V12.indd 31
22/9/08 4:25:25 PM