Warning! (Risk of injury from falling)
It must be ensured that the device complies with all legal standards and re-
gulations in the respective country of use. Ensure that the device is always
secured by a second mounting cable (e.g. Safety).
Warning! (Overheating)
The maximum permissible ambient temperature of this device is 40° C.
Ensure that the unit is always adequately ventilated.
Warning! (Using Stands)
As soon as the device is mounted on a stand, a safe and fi rm base must
always be ensured. Ensure that the maximum permissible load capacity of
your tripod is not exceeded.
All connections of the device should be made before switching on. Use only high-quality cables that
are as short as possible for the connections.
DMX mode:
Connect the DMX input of your device to the DMX output of your DMX controller, your DMX
software or the DMX output of a device already in your DMX chain. Always use DMX cable with a
110 Ohm resistor for this connection. Address the device according to your DMX confi guration. The
following tables show the respective DMX modes of the individual devices with the corresponding
values and functions: