13-Pin Output Jack: This is the standard connection for plugging
in a 13-pin cable (not supplied) made by other manufacturers. The
LightWave individual string signals, and the single output present
at the 1/4” output jack, are routed through the connector pins, in
standard configuration.
HexFX Volume: This control knob function may differ, depending on
the device connected at the far end of the cable; typically it affects
the loudness of the MIDI-converted or hex-DSP signals only.
The loudness of the instrument’s single output (present at the 1/4”
output jack) which is also routed through the 13-pin cable, is still
controlled by the Master Volume knob. The signal at the 1/4” jack
is present simultaneously with the one routed through the 13-pin
cable, and can be used at the same time, or not. If it is not used,
a 1/4” cable or dummy plug must be inserted, to power up the
LightWave Optical Pickup System.
Blend Switch: This three-position toggle switch determines the
sound that is output by the device connected at the far end of the
13-pin cable. In the center position, both the instrument output and
the output of the device will be heard. In the ‘up’ position, only the
instrument output will be heard. In the ‘down’ position, only the
output of the connected device will be heard.
S1 / S2 Switch: This three-position switch (with spring return-to-
center action) functions as the Up / Down pushbuttons seen on
other devices, and its functions may differ depending on the device
connected at the far end.
LightWave basses omit the ‘power on’ LED seen on some other
‘GK’ style hex pickups, since the LightWave 13-pin output does
not rely on getting power from the device connected at the far
end. Rather, the LightWave 13-pin output is powered by the same
internal battery pack that runs the rest of the pickup system. This
LightWave design enables, for example, simple individual string
fanout without needing to connect to an active 13-pin device at the
far end.