Holding the Pendant
. At this
point - you simply hold the Pen-
dant as you would any normal
telephone receiver - close to the
head so that you can hear the
other person being called - and
they can hear you speaking.
The microphone is sensitive
enough to easily pick up your
voice regardless of where you are
holding the pendant.
Hanging -Up.
If you choose to cancel the call once initiated - you can simply
push the Gray button on the back of the Pendant to cancel the call and you
will hear “Hanging up”. If at the end of the conversation, the Central Station
hangs-up, the System will hang-up and reset automatically over the next sec-
onds to minute, or you can push the gray button to end the call immediately.
Answering an Incoming Call with the Pendant:
The LifeSentry has the
ability to answer incoming calls through the pendant or the Emergency Wall
Communicator accessory Once the customer hears the phone ring (the pen-
dant will NOT ring), they simply push the Blue Emergency button or Red
“HELP” button on the Emergency Wall Communicator to answer the call.
1. Incoming call to customers home
2. Base unit rings
3. Push the Blue Emergency button on pendant for 2 seconds to activate
the pendant
4. LifeSentry will answer the incoming call – talk using pendant
5. To end the call
a. User pushes the Gray test button on pendant to hang-up.
b. Or, the calling person pushes #9 to end call and reset unit
c. Or, the unit listens for 3 minutes of silence and then hangs-up and