Fat Burning Programs
Fat burning programs are designed to rapidly elevate and lower heart rate by creating a rapid
resistance and then light resistance with multiple intervals.
Program 2: Intervals
Program 3: Stairs
Program 12: Mesa
Program 7: High/Low Intervals
Cardio Programs
Cardio programs are designed to gradually elevate and lower the heart rate by creating a
steady increase in resistance and slowly bring the resistance down.
Program 1: Mountain 1
Program 4: Mountain 2
Program 5: Hill 1
Program 8: Hill 2
Performance Programs
Performance programs are designed to raise the heart rate for a longer period of time by
creating a rapid resistance and then maintaining that for a longer period then dropping to a
light resistance with long flat plateaus.
Program 6: Long Stairs
Program 9: Peak
Program 10: Highland
Program 11: Plateau
Heart Rate Control Mode
Heart Rate Control mode is represented on your display as “H.R.C.” Press enter or the center dial
button to select. Use the center dial to adjust for a user’s age, the computer will automatically