LIFE GRID Technology™
Drop-forged for greater durability, GRID
plates increase the antioxidant power and pH of alkaline water by as
much as 15%, like MESH plates, but GRID plates are far more durable.
GRID plates are the toughest, longest lasting water ionizer plates
made, they outlast flat, MESH, and Hybrid plates.
SMPS Power System
- Combine GRID Technology™ with our advanced
SMPS Power System (the same system used in High Definition
Televisions) and your LIFE Ionizer® M series will outperform any other
model in its class. The system generates up to 504 watts of power
and it can be adjusted to compensate for hard water problems. SMPS
Power means your system will run more efficiently provide consistent
power, and will last longer.
UV Light System
- LIFE UV Light Technology™ is an optional feature
on our LIFE Ionizers®. UV light addresses cysts and bacteria as the
water passes around the light inside the unit. UV Light is being used
by major municipal water authorities such as New York City and
Orange County, CA as added treatment to disinfect their water.
Performance Features