Thank you for purchasing Reef Octopus BH-50 INT Nano protein skimme
BH-50INT Nano skimmer is reef octopus newest Dedication to aquarium hobbyist, It uses a new
bubble blaster pump OTP-300s as its kernel , and demonstrated a stunning effect.
OTP-300s only have 6W of power but create a 31Gph air intake efficiency, could help to support
tanks about 50
200L (12
Thanks to its excellent combination of accessories, it
could have a variety ways to be used and fixed. Hang on
interior or put in a sump; fixed on tanks with or without a
horizontal reinforcement edge.
This nano skimmer have perfectly matches the reaction
chamber with the pump, have solved the general problem
often happened on nano skimmers that foam leakage into the
tank with the output of water.
It also has a sleek appearance, looks like a perfect work
of art, increase a lot of fun to the aquarium you keep.
1. Find all the accessories; check them, make sure they are
not broken.
2. Install the reaction chamber fixed ring on the chamber
3. Connect the air intake pipe to the skimmer pump, make it
through the hole on the reaction chamber fixed ring; install
the silencer.
4. Fix the pump to the reaction chamber body, there have a
hole to insert the outlet of the pump. Make the pump install
like the picture shows.
5. Install the hang on device to the reaction chamber fixed ring, using the screws.
6. Hang on the skimmer on you tank.
7. Put the collection cup on position.
8. Connect the pump to power.
9. Adjust the water/bubble level in the collection cup by pulling up the water level adjust pipe. Keep
looking after it for a while, make sure it won’t overflow.
10. If the foam is not so well, please adjust the hang on device to make the skimmer deeper in water.
1. Use the skimmer under marked voltage.
2. Make a drip loop as picture shows to prevent the danger
of water flow along the wire into the into the socket.
3. Never take maintains of the pump when it is running.