ColorSave 1000ST-INJ user manual
4.1.4 Gram Per Rotation
The gram per rotation is a value of how many grams are being dosed during one rotation of the
screw. The ColorSave constantly calculates the gram per rotation and modifies the value
according to this calculation.
The current value of gram per rotation can be seen in the Control Parameters screen (see section
5.9 Control Parameters).
When working without recipes, each screw type has a default value of gram per rotation. Each
time a screw is changed, the default gram per rotation value is reset. During the running time,
the value of the gram per rotation will be changed and converged.
When working with recipes, each recipe has a gram per rotation value. During the time the
running value of the gram per rotation will be changed and converged.
Note that the value will not be changed in the recipe. If the recipe is reloaded, the value of gram
per rotation of the recipe will be also be reloaded.
See section 4.6 Working with recipes for more information about working with recipes.