This model can be cleaned using
a mild detergent and gentle stre-
am of water. Do not immerse this
model. If this model is equipped
with sound electronics, do not
expose the speaker directly to
Replacing the traction tire
- Use a small, straight-blade scr-
ewdriver to gently pry the old
traction tire out of the wheel
- Gently warm the new traction
tire in a dish of warm water.
Use a small, straight-blade
screwdriver to gently pry the
new traction tire into the wheel
- Make sure that the traction tire is
completely in the wheel groove.
Replacing the light bulbs
Front and rear lanterns: Pull the
lantern housing away from the
model. Remove and replace the
bulb. Reassemble.
Cab light: Hook your finger into
the open cab window and gently
pull the sidewall outward while lif-
ting the roof. Remove the roof.
Remove and replace the bulb.
Replacing the motor
- Remove the two screws each on
the gearbox retainers behind
and in front of the gearbox.
- Pull out the gearbox.
- Disconnect the wiring cables on
the gearbox.
- Remove the two screws on top
of the gearbox and take off the
gearbox cover.
- Replace the motor. Reassem-
Attention! If the motor is repla-
ced, generously lubricate the
gears with LGB Gear Lubricant
Replacing the brushes, pick-up
shoes and wheelsets
Remove the four screws on the
bottom of the gearbox and take
off the bottom gearbox cover.
Replace the brushes, pick-up
shoes or wheelsets. Reassemble.
Hint: When replacing the gearbox
cover, make sure the "1" on the
inside of the cover is aligned with
the "1" on the inside of the gear-
Attention! If the wheelsets are
replaced, generously lubricate
the gears with LGB Gear Lubri-
cant (51020).
Maintenance parts
50019 Maintenance Oil
50020 Special Tool Set
51020 Gear Lubricant
55020 Multi-Train System
55026 Decoder Interface Cable
62201 Standard Motor
63120 Brushes, 14mm, 16mm,
8 pieces
63218 Standard Pick-Up
Shoes, 2 pieces
68511 Plug-In Bulb, Clear, 5V,
10 pieces
69104 Traction Tire, 37.5 mm,
10 pieces
For factory authorized service,
contact an authorized retailer or
send this product to one of the
LGB service stations listed below:
Ernst Paul Lehmann
Saganer Strasse 1-5
D-90475 Nürnberg
Telephone: (0911) 83707 0
LGB of America
6444 Nancy Ridge Drive
San Diego, CA 92121
Telephone: (619) 535-9387
You are responsible for any ship-
ping costs, insurance and
customs fees.
LGB and Lehmann are registered
trademarks of Ernst Paul Leh-
mann Patentwerk, Nürnberg,
Germany. Other trademarks are
the property of their owners. Pro-
ducts and specifications are sub-
ject to change without notice.©
1998 Ernst Paul Lehmann Patent-
22330 Locomotive
Diesel de pompiers
Un grand nombre de compagnies
ferroviaires sont équipées de
trains de pompiers, afin d'être en
mesure d'éteindre rapidement les
incendies se produisant dans des
gares, des forêts et des tunnels.
De manière générale, des
modèles anciens de trains sont
convertis en trains de pompiers.
Ce modèle détaillé dispose des
caractéristiques suivantes:
modèle résistant aux in-