Mallet Steam Loco
Large Mallet locomotives were used
in many countries on mountain rail-
roads. With their two drivetrains,
these locomotives were enormously
powerful. To conserve coal and
water, most Mallet locomotives fea-
tured compound drivetrains: The
high-pressure steam first powered
the rear cylinders. The exhaust steam
then was piped into the front cyclin-
ders, which were bigger in diameter,
to extract the steam's remaining
power before it was exhausted
through the chimney.
Mallets were used by the Könglich
Bayerische Staatsbahnen (Royal
Bavarian State Railways) and the
Deutsche Reichsbahn (DR). They ran
on the scenic railways of the Vivarais
region in France, in Portugal and on
many other lines. Today, a few of
these impressive machines are pre-
served on museum railways.
This detailed replica features:
- weather-resistant construction
- factory-installed onboard decoder
for MTS and analog operation
- opening cab doors
- opening smokebox door
- four-way power control switch
- two protected gearboxes with
seven-pole Bühler motors
- twelve powered wheels
- one traction tire
- twelve power pickups
- voltage stabilization circuit
- smoke generator
- simulated firebox fire
- automatic directional lanterns
- one multi-purpose socket with
circuit breaker
- length: 510 mm (20.1 in)
- weight: 3400 g (7.5 lb)
This LGB model is part of the com-
prehensive LGB program of more
than 600 quality G-scale trains, track
sections and accessories. To learn
more about the many other products
in the LGB program, see the big LGB
catalog or visit
Operating Modes
This model has a four-way power
control switch mounted inside the
cab (Fig. 1, 2):
Position 0: All power off
Position 1: Power to lights and
smoke generator
Position 2: Power to motors, lights
and smoke generator
Position 3: same as Position 2
(factory pre-set)
Attention: Do not connect this model
to other loco models with different
starting characteristics. This can
damage the internal gearing.
Multi-Train System
The model is equipped with a facto-
ry-installed onboard decoder for the
LGB Multi-Train System. It can be
used without modifications on ana-
log or digital layouts. For operation
with the Multi-Train System, the
model is programmed to loco
address 03. For information on pro-
gramming the loco address, see the
instructions for various MTS compo-
When operating with the Multi-Train
System, you can control the loco’s
functions remotely. Press the light-
ing button (“9” with remotes) to turn
the loco lights on or off. Press the
function buttons to control the fol-
lowing functions:
5: Flickering firebox off/on
7: Smoke generator off/on
With a Loco Remote or Universal
Remote, press the numbered loco
function buttons. For example, to
turn off the flickering firebox, press
button “5” on the Loco Remote or
Universal Remote.
When using the MTS components
marked with a “p,” this loco can
receive "parallel" function com-
mands, which eliminate the pause
that occurs when a "serial" command
is received.
Parallel: Command is send directly.
Serial: Command is send as a string
of "1" commands, for example, 3 = 1
+ 1 + 1).
Most MTS components can be
upgraded to parallel function com-
mands (Exceptions: first generation
55000 MTS Central Station, 55010
Train Mouse). For more information,
contact your authorized retailer or go
When operating with the Multi-Train
System, the loco features a “Back-
EMF” function. This keeps the motor
speed constant (and under normal
conditions the loco speed), even
when the load of the loco changes,
for example, in curves or on grades.
This feature does not work at top
speed, because additional voltage
must be available to overcome any
added load.
If desired, numerous functions of the
onboard decoder, such as accelera-
tion, braking, direction of travel and
many others, can be programmed
using a PC and the 55045 MTS PC
Decoder Programming Module (see
Instructions for advanced users).
These functions also can be pro-
grammed with the 55015 Universal
This model features directional light-
ing. The model has a "flat" multi-pur-
pose socket, with a removable cover,
on the rear of the loco (Fig. 3). This
socket can be used to provide track
power to cars with lighting or sound
To remove the cover of the socket,
pull it straight out. If the cover is
tight, gently use a small straight
screwdriver to pry it out. (Do not pull
out the rectangular outer housing.)
Smoke Generator
This model is equipped with a smoke
generator. A small supply of LGB
Smoke and Cleaning Fluid is included
with this model. For best operation,
fill the generator halfway with fluid. If
the generator is overfilled, it will not
convert the fluid into smoke.
Attention! Never touch the heating
element in the center of the smoke
generator. It is hot and fragile. Not
for children. Only for use by adults!
Attention! Only use LGB Smoke and
Cleaning Fluid (50010). Other fluids
may damage your locomotive.
Hint: The smoke generator can be
run “dry” without smoke fluid.
Power Supply
Attention! For safety and reliability,
operate this model with LGB power
supplies (transformers, power packs
and controls) only. The use of non-
LGB power supplies will void your
Use this model with LGB power sup-