• Wear safety equipment
- Wear safety glasses and work gloves. Be careful when installing or operating the chiller and operating the electri-
cal components.
• Always run fluid through heat exchangers when adding or removing refrigerant charge.
- Potential damage of the tube within the heat exchanger can be prevented. Use Appropriate brine solution in
cooler fluid loops to prevent the freezing of heat exchangers when equipment is exposed to temperature below
• Do not vent refrigerant relief valves within a building.
- Outlet from relief valves must be vented outdoors in accordance with the latest edition of ANSI/ASHRAE(Ameri-
can National Standards Institute/American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers) 15
(Safety Code for Mechanical Refrigeration). The accumulation of refrigerant in an enclosed space can displace
oxygen and cause asphyxiation. Provide adequate ventilation in enclosed or low overhead areas. Inhalation of high
concentrations of refrigerant gas is harmful and may cause heart irregularities, unconsciousness or death. Misuse
can be critical. Refrigerant gas is heavier than air and reduces the level of oxygen. It can cause irritation to eyes
and skin.
• Be careful of water leakage.
- In case of any water leakage in the pump or pipe, immediately stop operating the unit. It may cause electric
shock, electricity leakage or defects. Be careful of electric shock.
• Always ground the chiller during installation.
- It may cause electric shock.
• Do not leave refrigerant system open to air any longer than necessary.
- If the repair cannot be completed, seal the circuits to prevent any contamination or rust within the product, and
charge dry nitrogen.
• Do not reuse compressor oil.
- It can damage the product.
• During installation, make the specified grounding before supplying the power, and during the dismantling, remove
the grounding line at the end of the task.
• Use appropriate meters for measurement. Otherwise, it may cause injury or electric shock.
• Check all power connected to the control panel or starter panel to be shut off while applying the power.
- It may cause electric shock.
• Make sure to discharge the electric current before inspection or repair work.
- It may cause injury or electric shock.
• Do not open the 2nd phase side of the current transformer when power is on.
- High voltage could be discharged causing an electric shock.
• Remove foreign objects(working tools, wires, bolts, washers) after installation, inspection, and repair work.
- They may cause injury, fire, or damage.
• When using a condenser, make sure to verify the complete discharge before applying the power again. (Re-power-
ing within 5 min. is prohibited.)
- It may cause electric shock, fire, damage, or malfunction.
• Change the condenser in case that the expansion exceeds the recommended limit.
- It may cause electric shock, fire, damage, or malfunction.