Actions for problems
• How to react to the problem display from controller
• Please take actions according to the following instructions
Check the displayed contents and refer to the help message. Select help menu corresponding to the problem
message and check the contents of the problem and how to react. Remove the cause of the problem according
to the parts or drawing of the circuit related to the problem or manual. If the contents for the problem is no in the
manual or drawing, consult our experts. Check the temperature control status, pressure status, etc.
Troubleshooting (1/3)
8-1. Causes and actions for alarms
Abnormal category
Displayed contents
Chilled Water Inlet
temperature Sensor
Chilled Water Inlet tem-
perature Sensor Error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Chilled water outlet
temperature sensor
Chilled water outlet tem-
perature sensor Error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Cooling water inlet
temperature Sensor
Chilled water outlet tem-
perature sensor Error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Cooling water outlet
temperature Sensor
Chilled water outlet tem-
perature sensor Error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Compressor discharge
temperature sensor
Compressor discharge
temperature sensor error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Bearing temperature
Bearing temperature sen-
sor problem
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Motor winding R phase
temperature sensor
Motor winding R phase
temperature sensor error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Motor winding S phase
Motor winding S phase
sensor error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Motor winding T phase
Motor winding T phase
sensor error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Evaporator pressure
Evaporator pressure sen-
sor error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Condenser pressure
Condenser pressure sen-
sor error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Oil tank pressure tem-
perature sensor
Oil tank pressure temper-
ature sensor error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Oil pump pressure
Oil pump pressure sensor
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Current transducer
Current sensor error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`
Voltage transducer
Voltage sensor error
Sensor disconnected/short-circuit
Main board malfunction
Check parts status or wiring
Replace parts or re-wire`