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2) Step 2 : Communication check
- If all model code is displayed in 7 segment communication between outdoor units is normal.
- If 104* is displayed in 7 segment, check communication wires between outdoor units and Dip switch setting.
3) Step 3 : PCB error check
- After 40 seconds, error check begins.
4) Step 4 : Auto addressing of indoor units
- Auto addressing begins when address(red) button in Main PCB is pressed for 6 seconds.
- During auto addressing, 7 segment on main PCB displays "88"
- After auto addressing, the number of indoor units is displayed in 7 segment for 30 seconds. The address of
each indoor unit is displayed on each wired remote controller.
Push address(red) button for 3 seconds
Auto address starts
Auto address is in progress (max. 15 min.)
The number of indoor units is displayed for 30 seconds
(12 indoor units found)
Auto address process is finished.
Every indoor unit displays its address on
wired remote controller and the 7 segment of
main PCB is off.
Service PCB