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Self-diagnosis function
1. Defective connection in HR unit power
supply and communication connection
2. Wrong setting of the HR unit rotary
switch and dip switch
3. Defective HR unit PCB
Error No.
Error type
Error point
Main reasons
Transmission error between
the HR unit and outdoor unit
Transmission error
between the HR unit
and outdoor unit
Error diagnosis and countermeasure flow chart
HR unit error display No.
Example of HR unit error display.
1) Check connection condition of temperature sensor and lead cable
2) Is value of temperature sensor normal? If not replace sensor
- Piping temperature sensor : 10 ℃[50 ℉] = 10 kΩ : 25 ℃[77 ℉] = 5 kΩ : 50 ℃[122 ℉] = 1.8 kΩ
3) If connection of sensor and value is correct, replace outdoor unit PCB
#16 HR unit Sub-cooling inlet pipe temperature sensor error 200
C16 (Repeat)
C: HR unit
#: HR unit Nuber
HR Unit
Error display
HR #1 HR #2 HR #3 HR #4 HR #5 HR #6 HR #7 HR #8 HR #9 HR #10 HR #11 HR #12 HR #13 HR #14 HR #15 HR#16
C01 C02 C03 C04 C05 C06 C07 C08 C09 C10 C11 C12 C13 C14 C15 C16