Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
Condensate Pump / Drain Installation
Condensate piping installed correctly on indoor units. Material used is acceptable under local code. Insulated as necessary to
prevent condensation.
All condensate vertical risers are equal to or less than 27-1/2 inches from the bottom of the indoor unit.
Indoor units with condensate pumps were level. Units with gravity drains were level or slightly canted toward the drain connection
and are supported properly.
Pumped condensate drain lines were properly connected (
do not have traps, and connect to the top surface of the main drain
Multi F / Multi F MAX gravity condensate drain line was connected and routed where it properly drains away or, if installed in a
mechanical room, was connected and properly routed to a drain terminal.
All condensate lines were properly insulated to prevent condensation.
Power Wire and Communications Cables
Ground wire was installed and properly terminated at the unit.
Power wiring was connected to a single phase 208-230V source.
The power supplied was clean with voltage fluctuations within specifications (±10% of nameplate).
Power wiring to the Multi F / Multi F MAX outdoor unit was field supplied, solid or stranded, and installed per all local, state, and
NEC requirements.
For Multi F Systems
• When the wiring length is up to 130 feet, communication / connection (power) wiring from the outdoor unit to the indoor unit is mini-
mum 14 gauge, four-conductor, stranded, shielded or unshielded. If shielded, must be grounded to chassis at the outdoor unit only.
• When the wiring length is GREATER THAN 130 feet, communication / connection (power) wiring from the outdoor unit to the
indoor unit is minimum 14 gauge, stranded, shielded or unshielded. If shielded, must be grounded to chassis at the outdoor unit
only. Use a two (2) conductor wire for power; use a two (2) conductor wire for communication / ground. Separate the power AT
LEAST two (2) inches away from the communication / ground wire.
For Multi F MAX Systems
All power wiring / communication cable to be minimum 14 AWG from the Multi F MAX outdoor unit to the BD unit stranded, shield-
ed or unshielded (if shielded, it must be grounded to the chassis of the outdoor unit only), and must comply with applicable local
and national codes.
• When the wiring length is up to 130 feet, communication / connection (power) wiring from the BD unit to the indoor unit is minimum
14 gauge, four-conductor, stranded, shielded or unshielded. If shielded, must be grounded to chassis at the outdoor unit only.
• When the wiring length is GREATER THAN 130 feet, communication / connection (power) wiring from the BD unit to the indoor
unit is minimum 14 gauge, stranded, shielded or unshielded. If shielded, must be grounded to chassis at the outdoor unit only.
Use a two (2) conductor wire for power; use a two (2) conductor wire for communication / ground. Separate the power AT LEAST
two (2) inches away from the communication / ground wire.
Power wiring to the outdoor unit and communication / connection (power) cable from the outdoor unit to the indoor units or branch
distribution units (Multi F MAX only) were separated per manufacturer’s guidelines. These cannot be run in the same conduit.
Communications / connection (power) cable were run in the same conduit (outdoor unit to indoor unit or branch distribution unit
[Multi F MAX only] as provided in the product installation manual.
Proper communications cable was used between each indoor unit and its zone controller where applicable. No cables were
spliced and no wire nuts are present.
Communication type RS-485–BUS type.
Used appropriate crimping tool to attach ring or fork terminals at all power wiring and control cable terminations.
Only LG-supplied Y-cables were used between grouped indoor units, if applicable.