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3.4.2 Audio Signal Processing & Interface
The Audio module consists of a Voice Codec dedicated to mobile telephone terminal application and a Stereo path.
- The Voice Codec circuit processes analog audio components in the uplink path and transmits the converted data
to the DSP speech coder through the voice serial port (VSP). In the downlink path, the Voice Codec converts the
digital samples of speech data received from the DSP via the VSP port into analog audio signals. The Voice Codec
supports a 8kHz (default narrowband mode) to a 16kHz(wideband mode) sampling frequency.
- The Stereo path converts audio digital samples received from the I2S serial interface into analog audio. It supports
all standard frequencies from 8kHz to 48kHz (8, 11.025, 12, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1 and 48kHz).
-Two included PLLs provide the suitable system clocks to the Voice and Stereo circuitry (ADC, DACS, Digital Filters,
Digital interfaces). The Audio module supports 3 possible input master clocks : 12MHz, 13MHz and 19.2MHz.
3.4.3 Power Resources
The power supply module of Triton generates the different power supplies required by Triton, the
processors and the external peripherals.