Terminal Development Center
Hold-on Function
1. What is Hold-on function?
It is also called “ Reception Hold Message Transmission Function” . If there is a call while you are
occupied with some urgent matters, you can release the message of [Sorry but hold on, please and I
get back to you shortly…
(up to 30 seconds)] and converse with your counterpart shortly.
2. How to Use
1) Message Delivery upon a Call
(1) Select “ Setup” from
Menu 6 + 7 + 1.
(2) For delivering a message that requests the caller to wait a moment upon a call, you just press
(3) When you are ready for the call, press
key to resume the suspended call.
(4) Initiate the call.
2) Recording Self Message
(1) Select
Menu 6 + 7 + 3
(2) Start recording upon the sound of “ BEEP”
3) Selecting Delivery Message
(1) Select
Menu 6 + 7 + 2
(2) Select the message to retrieve.
[Basic Message–“ Hello, Wait a Minute, Hold on, please” ]
4) Retrieving Message
(1) Select
Menu 6 + 7 + 4
(2) Select the message to retrieve.