66 Accessories
Mechanical accessories
2.3 Condensate Drain Kit.
During the Heat Pump operation, condensate water inside
the unit drains out into the sleeve from the chassis. Such an
instance may also happen at times of high humidity during
the cooling operation. When normal drainage from the wall
sleeve is not possible or is undesirable, this condensate
drain kit can be used.
There are two types of condensate drain kits:
(a) Outdoor drain kit and
(b) Indoor drain kit.
Installation Procedure:
The Installation and servicing of the equipment should be
performed by qualified and experienced personnel only.
(a) Outdoor drain kit
Before installing the outdoor Grille, it must be determined if
the optional outdoor wall sleeve drain kit is to be installed.
The drain kit will allow the condensate from the outdoor and
indoor coils to be routed to a suitable area and the kit can
be installed so that the condensate can be drained from the
right or left hand side of the wall sleeve.
1) At first remove the rear enclosure panel and the sleeve
stiffener. These items may be removed from the inside of
the room.
2) The drain fitting can be installed either on the right or on
the left hand side of the sleeve. (Illustration is only for the
right hand installation) Insert the drain fitting in the open-
ing of gasket A and hole of plate B. Secure this assembly
to the rear of the sleeve with two sheet metal screws into
holes G in the sleeve as shown in the figure on the right.
Condensa te Drain Kit