background image









  b)  You must cause any work that you distribute or pub-

lish,  that  in  whole  or  in  part  contains  or  is  derived 

from the Program or any part there of, to be licensed 

as a whole at no charge to all third parties under the 

terms of this license.

  c)  If  the  modified  program  normally  reads  commands 

interactively when run, you must cause it, when start-

ed running for such interactive use in the most ordi-

nary way, to print or display an announcement includ-

ing an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that 

there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide 

a warranty) and that users may redistribute the pro-

gram  under  these  conditions,  and  telling  the  user 

how to view a copy of this license.  (Exception: if the 

Program  itself  is  interactive  but  does  not  normally 

print such an announcement, your work based on the 

Program is not required to print an announcement.)

  These  requirements  apply  to  the  modified  work  as  a 

whole.    If  identifiable  sections  of  that  work  are  not 

derived from the Program, and can be reasonably con-

sidered independent and separate works in themselves, 

then this license, and its terms, do not apply to those 

sections  when  you  distribute  them  as  separate  works. 

But when you distribute the same sections as part of a 

whole which is a work based on the Program, the distri-

bution of the whole must be on the terms of this license, 

whose  permissions  for  other  licensees  extend  to  the 

entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless 

of who wrote it.

  Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or 

contest your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, 

the intent is to exercise the right to control the distribu-

tion of derivative or collective works based on the pro-


  In  addition,  mere  aggregation  of  another  work  not 

based on the program with the Program (or with a work 

based  on  the  program)  on  a  volume  of  a  storage  or 

distribution  medium  does  not  bring  the  other  work 

under the scope of this license.

3.  You  may  copy  and  distribute  the  program  (or  a  work 

based on it, under section 2) in object code or execut-

able form  under  the  terms  of  sections  1  and  2  above 

provided that you also do one of the following:

  a)  Accompany  it  with  the  complete  corresponding 

machine-readable source code, which must be dis-

tributed under the terms of sections 1 and 2 above 

on  a  medium  customarily  used  for  software  inter-

change; or,

  b)  Accompany  it  with  a  written  offer,  valid  for  at  least 

three years,  to  give  any  third  party, for  a  charge  no 

more than your cost of physically performing source 

distribution,  a  complete  machine-readable  copy  of 

the  corresponding  source  code,  to  be  distributed 

under  the  terms  of  sections  1  and  2  above  on  a 

medium  customarily  used  for  software  interchange; 


  c)  Accompany it with the information you received as to 

the  offer  to  distribute  corresponding  source  code. 

(This  alternative  is  allowed  only  for  noncommercial 

distribution and only if you received the program in 

object code or executable form with such an offer, in 

accord with Subsection b above.)

  The source code for a work means the preferred form of 

the work for making modifications to it.  For an execut-

able work, complete source code means all the source 

code  for  all  modules  it  contains,  plus  any  associated 

interface definition files, plus the scripts used to control 

compilation and installation of the executable. However, 

as a special exception, the source code distributed need 

not  include  anything  that  is  normally  distributed  (in 

either  source  or  binary  form)  with  the  major  compo-

nents  (compiler,  kernel,  and  so  on)  of  the  operating 

system on which the executable runs, unless that com-

ponent itself accompanies the executable.

  If distribution of executable or object code is made by 

offering access to copy from a designated place, then 

offering equivalent access to copy the source code from 

the  same  place  counts  as  distribution  of  the  source 

code,  even  though  third  parties  are  not  compelled  to 

copy the source along with the object code.

4.  You  may  not  copy,  modify,  sublicense,  or  distribute  the 

Program except as expressly provided under this license.  

Any  attempt  otherwise  to  copy,  modify,  sublicense  or 

distribute  the  Program  is  void,  and  will  automatically 

terminate your rights under this license. However, par-

ties who have received copies, or rights, from you under 

this  license  will  not  have  their  licenses  terminated  so 

long as such parties remain in full compliance.

5.  You  are  not  required  to  accept  this  license,  since  you 

have  not  signed  it.  However,  nothing  else  grants  you 

permission  to  modify  or  distribute  the  Program  or  its 

derivative works.  These actions are prohibited by law if 

you do not  accept this license. Therefore, by modifying 

or distributing the program (or any work based on the 

program), you indicate your acceptance of this license 

to do so, and all its terms and conditions for copying, 

distributing  or  modifying  the  program  or  works  based 

on it.

6.  Each  time  you  redistribute  the  program  (or  any  work 

based  on  the  Program),  the  recipient  automatically 

receives  a  license  from  the  original  licensor  to  copy, 

distribute or modify the Program subject to these terms 

and conditions. You may not impose any further restric-

tions  on  the  recipients'  exercise  of  the  rights  granted 

herein. You are not responsible for enforcing compliance 

by third parties to this license.

Summary of Contents for 50PK750-UA,

Page 1: ...P NO SAC34134203 1003 REV04 www lge com OWNER S MANUAL LED LCD TV LCD TV PLASMA TV Please read this manual carefully before operating your set and retain it for future reference ...

Page 2: ...hese limits are designed to provide reasonable pro tection against harmful interference in a residen tial installation This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications However there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation...

Page 3: elec trician for replacement of the obsolete outlet 6 Protect the power cord from being walked on or pinched particularly at plugs conve nience receptacles and the point where they exit from the apparatus 7 Only use attachments accessories speci fied by the manufacturer 8 Use only with the cart stand tripod bracket or table specified by the manufacturer or sold with the apparatus When a cart is...

Page 4: ...r mechanical abuse such as being twisted kinked pinched closed in a door or walked upon Pay particular attention to plugs wall outlets and the point where the cord exits the appliance Do not use a damaged or loose power cord Do not pull on the power cord to unplug the TV Grasp the plug when unplugging the power cord 15 WARNING To reduce the risk of fire or elec trical shock do not expose this prod...

Page 5: ...product is turned off unplugged and all cables have been removed It may take 2 or more people to carry larger TVs Do not press against or put stress on the front panel of the TV 23 Ventilation Install your TV where there is proper ventila tion Do not install in a confined space such as a bookcase Do not cover the product with cloth or other materials e g plastic while plugged in Do not install in ...

Page 6: ...tional Extras 48 PC Setup 49 Network Setup 55 WATCHING TV CHANNEL CONTROL Remote Control Functions 63 Turning on the TV 66 Channel Selection 66 Volume Adjustment 66 Initial Setting 67 On Screen Menus Selection 69 Quick Menu 71 Customer Support Software Update 72 Picture Test Sound Test 73 Product Service Info 74 Network Test 74 Simple Manual 75 Channel Setup Auto Scan Auto Tuning 76 Add Delete Cha...

Page 7: ...d Setting Adjustment User Mode 148 Audio Reset 149 TV Speakers On Off Setup 150 Stereo SAP Broadcast Setup 151 Audio Language 152 On screen Menus Language Selection 153 Caption Mode Analog Broadcasting System Captions 154 Digital Broadcasting System Captions 155 Caption Option 156 TIME SETTING Clock Setting Auto Clock Setup 157 Manual Clock Setup 158 Auto On Off Time Setting 159 Sleep Timer Settin...

Page 8: ... ed algorithm the LG processes picture quality elements including brightness contrast color sharp ness and white balance The result is a picture optimized for it s sur roundings more pleasing to watch and which can also save up to 50 in power consumption High definition television High resolution digital television broad cast and playback system com posed of roughly a million or more pixels 16 9 a...

Page 9: ...mage on your TV screen for a prolonged period 2 or more hours for LCD 1 or more hours for Plasma ꔛ Image burn can also occur on the letter boxed areas of your TV if you use the 4 3 aspect ratio setting for an extended period View videos and photos and listen to music on your TV through USB 2 0 videos dependent on model AV Mode is three preset picture and audio settings It allows the viewer to quic...

Page 10: ...ust use shielded signal interface cables with ferrite cores to main tain standards compliance Power Cord 1 5V 1 5V 1 5Vcc 1 5Vcc 1 5V 1 5V 1 5Vcc 1 5Vcc 1 5V 1 5V 1 5Vcc 1 5Vcc Owner s Manual CD Manual Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials CD Remote Control Batteries AAA 50 60PK750 For 50PK750 Protection Cover Refer to p 21 Cable Holder Refer to p 28 x 2 x 3 x 4 Screws for stand assembly Refer to P 20 M5 x ...

Page 11: ...r to p 30 Component gender cable AV gender cable Screws for stand assembly Refer to P 24 Simple Remote Control Batteries AAA x 8 x 8 x 4 x 4 x 2 M4 x 20 M4 x 16 M4 x 16 M4 x 24 47 55LE8500 Other models 55LE5400 5500 7500 For 42 47 55LE7500 47 55LE8500 For 42 47 55LE7500 For 32 42LD550 Screw for stand fixing Refer to P 32 For 32LE5400 Wipe spots on the exterior only with the cleasing cloths Do not ...

Page 12: ...ntelligent Sensor Adjusts picture according to the surrounding conditions ENTER CH VOL MENU NPUT Touch Button You can operate the button just by touching the button lightly with your finger ENTER CH VOL MENU INPUT CHANNEL ꕍ ꕌ Buttons VOLUME Buttons ENTER Button MENU Button INPUT Button POWER Button Power Standby Indicator Illuminates red in standby mode ...

Page 13: ...ꕍ Buttons VOLUME Buttons ENTER Button MENU Button INPUT Button POWER Button Power Standby Indicator Can be adjusted using the Power Indicator in the OPTION menu p 142 SPEAKER Remote Control Sensor Intelligent Sensor Adjusts picture according to the surrounding conditions ENTER CH VOL MENU INPUT ...

Page 14: ... ENTER INPUT MENU CHANNEL ꕌ ꕍ Buttons VOLUME Buttons ENTER Button MENU Button INPUT Button POWER Button Remote Control Sensor Power Standby Indicator Can be adjusted using the Power Indicator in the OPTION menu p 142 CH VOL ENTER INPUT MENU Intelligent Sensor Adjusts picture according to the surrounding conditions ...

Page 15: ...ndicator in the OPTION menu p 142 Remote Control Sensor VOL ENTER MENU INPUT VOL ENTER CH MENU INPUT CHANNEL ꕍ ꕌ Buttons VOLUME Buttons ENTER Button MENU Button INPUT Button POWER Button Touch Button You can operate the button just by touching the button lightly with your finger Intelligent Sensor Adjusts picture according to the surrounding conditions ...

Page 16: ...L ꕍ ꕌ Buttons VOLUME Buttons ENTER Button MENU Button INPUT Button POWER Button Touch Button You can operate the button just by touching the button lightly with your finger Remote Control Sensor Intelligent Sensor Adjusts picture according to the surrounding conditions Power Standby Indicator Can be adjusted using the Power Indicator in the OPTION menu p 142 ...



Page 19: ...amps and home theater systems Note In standby mode this port doesn t work 6 AV Audio Video IN Analog composite connection Supports standard definition video only 480i 7 ANTENNA CABLE IN Connect over the air or cable signals to this jack 8 COMPONENT IN Analog Connection Supports HD Uses a red green and blue cable for video red and white for audio 9 WIRELESS CONTROL Connect the Wireless Ready Dongle...

Page 20: ... fully tightened If not tightened fully the TV can tilt forward after the product installation Do not over tighten 1 Carefully place the TV screen side down on a cushioned surface to protect the screen from damage 2 Assemble the parts of the STAND BODY with the STAND BASE of the TV 3 Assemble the TV as shown 4 Install the 4 screws into the holes shown STAND BASE STAND BODY M5 x 14 M4 x 28 ...

Page 21: ...N COVER into the TV until you hear it click When installing the wall mounting bracket use the PROTECTION COVER 1 Carefully place the TV screen side down on a cushioned surface to protect the screen from damage 2 Remove the screws that hold the stand on 3 Detach the stand from TV PROTECTION COVER Fix a guide to the outside 50PK750 60PK750 M4 x 30 M4 x 28 ...

Page 22: ...roduct installation Do not over tighten 1 Carefully place the TV screen side down on a cushioned surface to protect the screen from damage 2 Assemble the parts of the STAND BODY with the STAND BASE of the TV 3 Assemble the TV as shown 4 Install the 4 screws into the holes shown AC IN CABLE MANAGEMENT AC IN CABL AC IN CABLE MANAGEMENT AC IN CABLE MANAGEMENT M4X20 AC IN CABLE MANAGEMENT AC IN CABLE ...

Page 23: the stand install the included PROTECTION COVER over the hole for the stand Press the PROTECTION COVER into the TV until you hear it click When installing the wall mounting bracket use the PROTECTION COVER 1 Carefully place the TV screen side down on a cushioned surface to protect the screen from damage 2 Remove the screws that hold the stand on 3 Detach the stand from TV ...

Page 24: ...Do not over tighten 2 Assemble the parts of the STAND BODY with the STAND BASE of the TV At this time tighten the screws that hold the STAND BODY on 3 Assemble the TV as shown 1 Carefully place the TV screen side down on a cushioned surface to protect the screen from damage 4 Assemble the part of the STAND REAR COVER with the TV 5 Install the 4 screws into the holes shown STAND BASE STAND BODY STA...

Page 25: ...DETACHMENT 1 Carefully place the TV screen side down on a cushioned surface to protect the screen from damage 2 Remove the screws that hold the stand on 3 Detach the STAND REAR COVER from TV 4 Detach the stand from TV ...

Page 26: ...wall mount when mounting the TV to a wall LG recommends that wall mounting be performed by a qualified professional installer Model VESA A B A B Standard Screw Quantity Wall Mounting Bracket sold separately 32LD550 32LE5400 200 100 M4 4 LSW100B LSW100BG 42 46LD550 47LD650 42 47LE5400 42 47LE5500 42 47LE7500 47LE8500 200 200 M6 4 LSW200B LSW200BG 52LD550 55LD650 55LE5400 55LE5500 55LE7500 55LE8500 ...

Page 27: ... use screws longer than the standard dimension as they may cause damage to the inside to the TV For wall mounts that do not comply with the VESA standard screw specifications the length of the screws may differ depending on their specifications Do not use screws that do not comply with the VESA standard screw specifications Do not use fasten the screws too strongly this may damage the TV or cause ...

Page 28: ...MENT ꔛ Image shown may differ from your TV Plasma TV CABLE HOLDER 1 After connecting the cables as necessary install the CABLE HOLDER as shown and bundle the cables In case of the LAN cable install as shown to reduce the electromagnetic wave ...

Page 29: ...nnect the cables as necessary To connect additional equipment see the EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP section 2 Open the CABLE MANAGEMENT CLIP as shown 3 Put the cables inside the CABLE MANAGEMENT CLIP and snap it closed AC IN AC IN AC IN AC IN AC IN AC IN AC IN AC IN AC IN CABLE MANAGEMENT CLIP ...

Page 30: ...2 After connecting the cables as necessary install the CABLE HOLDER as shown and bundle the cables 1 Secure the power cord with the CABLE HOLDER on the TV back cover It will help prevent the power cable from being removed by accident 32 42 47 55LE5400 42 47 55LE5500 42 47 55LE7500 47 55LE8500 ...

Page 31: ...20 º to suit your viewing position ꔛ Image shown may differ from your TV For proper ventilation allow a clearance of 10 1 cm 4 inch on all four sides from the wall 10 1 cm 4 inch 10 1 cm 4 inch 10 1 cm 4 inch 10 1 cm 4 inch CAUTION Ensure adequate ventilation by following the clearance recommendations Do not mount near or above any type of heat source ...

Page 32: ...ystem cable as shown below For the detailed installation and use of the Kensington Security System refer to the user s guide provided with the Kensington Security System For further information contact http www kensington com the internet homepage of the Kensington company Kensington sells security systems for expensive electronic equipment such as notebook PCs and LCD projectors NOTE The Kensingt...

Page 33: ... loosen the bolts Insert the eye bolts or TV brackets bolts and tighten them securely in the upper holes Secure the wall brackets with the bolts sold separately to the wall Match the height of the bracket that is mounted on the wall to the holes in the product Ensure the eye bolts or brackets are tightened securely ꔛ Use a sturdy rope sold separately to tie the product It is safer to tie the rope ...

Page 34: ...Be careful not to bend the copper wire when connecting the antenna Copper Wire ꔛ If the antenna needs to be split for two TV s install a 2 Way Signal Splitter ꔛ For much more information about antennas visit our Knowledgebase at http lgknowledgebase com Search for antenna ANTENNA CABLE IN RGB IN PC LAN WIRELESS CONTROL AUDIO IN AUDIOOUT RGB DVI RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY OPTICALDIGITAL DVI IN 2 3 1 2 ...

Page 35: ...l cable signals without an external digital set top box However if you do receive digital signals from a digital set top box or other digital external device EXTERNAL EQUIPMENT SETUP HDMI OUTPUT RGB IN PC LAN WIRELESS CONTROL RGB DVI RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY OPTICAL DIGITAL DVI IN 2 3 1 VIDEO AUDIO L MONO R AV IN 1 AUDIO IN AUDIOOUT RGB IN PC LAN WIRELESS CONTROL RGB DVI VIDEO AUDIO L MONO R VIDEO A...


Page 37: ... KHz 48 KHz Linear PCM 32 KHz 44 1 KHz 48 KHz HDMI DTV Resolution Horizontal Frequency KHz Vertical Frequency Hz 720x480p 31 47 59 94 31 50 60 00 1280x720p 44 96 59 94 45 00 60 00 1920x1080i 33 72 59 94 33 75 60 00 1920x1080p 26 97 23 976 27 00 24 00 33 71 29 97 33 75 30 00 67 432 59 94 67 50 60 00 L R DVI OUTPUT AUDIO HDMI OUTPUT LAN WIRELESS CONTROL RGB DVI OPTICAL DIGITAL DVI IN 2 3 1 VIDEO AUD...

Page 38: ...o the owner s manual for the digital set top box ꔛ Select the HDMI1 HDMI2 HDMI3 or HDMI4 input source on the TV using the INPUT button on the remote control NOTE A DVI to HDMI cable or adapter is required for this con nection DVI doesn t support audio so a separate audio connection is necessary L R DVI OUTPUT AUDIO HDMI OUTPUT RGB IN PC LAN WIRELESS CONTROL RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY VIDEO AUDIO L MON...



Page 41: ...OPTICALDIGITAL RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY ꔡ OPTICALDIGITAL RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY ꔡ 1 HDMI Connection 1 How to connect 1 Connect the HDMI output of the DVD to the HDMI DVI IN 1 2 3 or 4 jack on the TV 2 No separate audio connection is necessary HDMI supports both audio and video 2 How to use ꔛ Select the HDMI1 HDMI2 HDMI3 or HDMI4 input source on the TV using the INPUT button on the remote control ꔛ R...

Page 42: ...DEO AUDIO COMPONENT IN AUDIO IN AUDIOOUT 2 1 VIDEO AUDIO L MONO R AV IN 1 Y PB PR L R OPTICALDIGITAL RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY ꔡ Y PB PR L R OPTICALDIGITAL RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY ꔡ L R VIDEO AUDIO Wall Jack Antenna 1 How to connect 1 Connect the RF antenna out socket of the VCR to the ANTENNA CABLE IN socket on the TV 2 Connect the antenna cable to the RF antenna in socket of the VCR 2 How to use ꔛ S...

Page 43: ...CR Match the jack colors Video yellow Audio Left white and Audio Right red 2 How to use ꔛ Insert a video tape into the VCR and press PLAY on the VCR Refer to the VCR owner s manual ꔛ Select the AV1 or AV2 input source on the TV using the INPUT button on the remote control NOTE If you have a mono VCR connect the audio cable from the VCR to the AUDIO L MONO jack of the TV 1 Y L R PB PR AUDIO Y P B P...

Page 44: ...IDEO Camcorder Video Game Set 1 How to connect 1 Connect the AUDIO VIDEO jacks between TV and external equipment Match the jack colors Video yellow Audio Left white and Audio Right red 2 How to use ꔛ Select the AV1 or AV2 input source on the TV using the INPUT button on the remote control ꔛ Operate the corresponding external equipment 1 ...

Page 45: ...CTION IN 4 AV IN 2 VIDEO AUDIO L MONO R H P USB IN 1 USB IN 2 Memory Key or 1 How to connect 1 Connect the USB device to the USB IN 1 or 2 jack on the side of TV 2 How to use ꔛ After connecting the USB IN jack you use the USB function p 93 ...

Page 46: the head phone socket 2 To adjust the headphone volume press the VOL button If you press the MUTE button the sound from the headphone is switched off NOTE AUDIO menu options are disabled when connecting a headphone When changing AV MODE with a headphone con nected the change is applied to video but not to audio Optical Digital Audio Out is not available when con necting a headphone ...

Page 47: Theater or amp NOTE When connecting with external audio equipment such as amplifiers or speakers you can turn the TV speakers off in the menu p 150 CAUTION Do not look into the optical output port Looking at the laser beam may damage your vision Audio with ACP Audio Copy Protection function may block digital audio output 1 How to connect 1 Connect one end of the optical cable to the TV port of ...

Page 48: ...VIDEO AUDIO COMPONENT IN AV IN 1 AUDIO IN AUDIOOUT 2 1 WIRELESS CONTROL OUT WIRELESS CONTROL DVI IN 2 3 1 Y PB PR L R OPTICALDIGITAL RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY ꔡ 1 How to connect 1 Connect the WIRELESS CONTROL jack of the Wireless Ready Dongle to the WIRELESS CONTROL jack on the TV 2 Connect HDMI OUT jack of the Wireless Ready Dongle to the HDMI IN jack on the TV 2 How to use ꔛ Select the desired inpu...

Page 49: ...OPTICALDIGITAL RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY ꔡ Y PB PR L R OPTICALDIGITAL RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY ꔡ PC SETUP This TV provides Plug and Play capability meaning that a PC adjusts automatically to the TV s set tings 1 How to connect 1 Connect the VGA output of the PC to the RGB IN PC jack on the TV 2 Connect PC audio output to the AUDIO IN RGB DVI jack on the TV 2 How to use ꔛ Turn on the PC and the TV ꔛ Sel...

Page 50: ...IO IN RGB DVI jack on the TV 2 How to use ꔛ Turn on the PC and the TV ꔛ Select the HDMI1 HDMI2 HDMI3 or HDMI4 input source on the TV using the INPUT button on the remote control DVI OUTPUT AUDIO RGB OUTPUT AUDIO RGB IN PC LAN WIRELESS CONTROL VIDEO AUDIO L MONO R VIDEO AUDIO COMPONENT IN AV IN 1 AUDIOOUT 2 1 DVI IN 2 3 1 RGB DVI AUDIO IN Y PB PR L R OPTICALDIGITAL RS 232C IN SERVICEONLY ꔡ 1 2 HDMI...

Page 51: ...e on the screen for a long period of time The fixed image may become permanently imprinted on the screen The synchronization input form for Horizontal and Vertical frequencies is separate Depending on the graphics card some resolution settings may not allow the image to be posi tioned on the screen properly If you experience overscan issues when using HDMI PC 1920x1080 change aspect ratio to Just ...

Page 52: ...on is set to 1024X768 1280X768 or 1360X768 Selecting Resolution ꔑ 1024 x 768 1280 x 768 1360 x 768 Auto Config Resolution Position Size Phase Reset SCREEN ꔂ Move Prev 1 MENU Select PICTURE 2ENTER Select Screen RGB PC 3ENTER Select Resolution 4ENTER Select the desired resolution 5ENTER PICTURE ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀ ꔉ Color 60 Tint 0 Color Temp 0 Advanced Control Picture Reset TruMotion Screen RGB PC LED...

Page 53: ...rect try Auto adjustment again ꔛ If picture needs to be adjusted again after Auto adjustment in RGB PC you can adjust the Position Size or Phase Auto Config Resolution Position Size Phase Reset Auto Config Yes No SCREEN ꔂ Move Prev PICTURE ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀ ꔉ Color 60 Tint 0 Color Temp 0 Advanced Control Picture Reset TruMotion Screen RGB PC LED Local Dimming On R G W C Returns Position Size and Ph...

Page 54: ...tments 5ENTER ꔛ Position This function is to adjust picture to left right and up down as you prefer ꔛ Size This function is to minimize any vertical bars or stripes visible on the screen background And the horizon tal screen size will also change ꔛ Phase This function allows you to remove any horizontal noise and clear or sharpen the image of char acters Auto Config Resolution Position Size Phase ...

Page 55: ...ection the TV needs to be set up for network communication CAUTION Do not connect a modular phone cable to the LAN port Since there are various connection methods please follow the specifications of your telecommu nication carrier or internet service provider 1 How to connect 1 Connect the LAN port of the Modem or Router to the LAN port on the TV 2 How to use ꔛ Select Network Setting in the NETWOR...

Page 56: ...dy set Network Setting Select Resetting The new connection settings resets the current network settings 5 ENTER Select IP Auto Setting or IP Manual Setting 1 2ABC 3DEF 4GHI 5JKL 6MNO 7PQRS 8TUV 0 9WXYZ When Selecting IP Manual Setting IP addresses will need to be input manually 6 ENTER Select Enter IP Auto Setting If you already set the Network Setting IP Manual Setting If wired and wireless netwo...

Page 57: ...d of and subscriber agreement with your ISP you may not be able to use the inter net connection feature contained in this TV or you may be limited to the number of devices you can connect at the same time If your ISP limits subscription to one device this TV may not be allowed to connect when a PC is already connected The use of a Router may not be allowed or its usage may be limited depending on ...

Page 58: ...ns supplied with your access point or wireless router for detailed connection steps and network settings 1 How to connect 1 Connect the LG Wireless LAN for Broadband DLNA Adaptor sold separately to the USB IN 1 or 2 port on the TV 2 How to use ꔛ Select Network Setting in the NETWORK menu ꔛ After connecting you can use the NETCAST menu Wireless Network Connection NOTE For enjoying pictures music or...

Page 59: ...s connected Legal Notice ESN Network Type Wired network is recommended Wired Wireless Selecting the wireless network setting type Select the wireless network setting type Setting from the AP list Simple setting WPS button mode Setting Ad hoc network ꕉ Previous ꕯ Exit ꔉ Next Selecting AP ꕉ Previous ꕯ Exit ꔉ Next Select AP you want to connect Page 1 1 IPTIME iptime ASW Network1 Connecting with PIN m...

Page 60: ...ous For more information check the AP manual ꕯ Exit ꔉ Next Simple setting WPS button mode Press PBC Mode button of AP and press Connect button Connect ꕉ Previous Caution Check if PBC mode button is available for your AP ꕯ Exit ꔉ Next Selecting AP ꕉ Previous ꕯ Exit ꔉ Next Select AP you want to connect Page 1 1 IPTIME iptime ASW Network1 Connecting with PIN mode Access Point Search 2 Connect the acc...

Page 61: ...ct Close Network Setting Insert the IP address IP Mode IP Manual Setting IP Address 192 168 0 10 Subnet Mask 255 255 255 0 Gateway 192 168 0 1 DNS Server 255 255 0 0 ꕉ Previous Enter ꕯ Exit Network Status Adhoc network is connected LGTV10 Mac Address 00 00 13 64 23 01 IP Address 10 19 152 115 Subnet Mask 255 255 254 0 Gateway 10 19 152 1 Setting Test Close Signal Strength TV Gateway Setting Ad hoc...

Page 62: ... Move ꔉ Enter Network Setting Wired Network Status Internet is connected Legal Notice ESN Select the wireless network setting type Select the wireless network setting type Setting from the AP list Simple setting WPS button mode Setting Ad hoc network ꕉ Previous ꕯ Exit ꔉ Next Wired Connection Wireless Connection Network Setting Select the IP setting mode IP Mode IP Auto Setting IP Address 255 255 0...

Page 63: ...otates through inputs Also switches the TV on from standby p 83 TV Returns to the last TV channel NUMBER button DASH Used to enter a program number for multiple program channels such as 2 1 2 2 etc LIST Displays the channel table p 80 FLASHBK Tunes to the last channel viewed MENU Displays the main menu or clears all on screen displays and return to TV viewing NETCAST Select the desired NETCAST men...

Page 64: ...orite channels list p 79 MARK Select the input to apply the Picture Wizard settings p 131 Use to mark or unmark a photo music movie p 105 110 116 RATIO Changes the aspect ratio p 128 CHAR NUM Shifts the Character or Number for internet service MUTE Switches the sound on or off p 66 DELETE Deleted the character or number on the screen CHANNEL UP DOWN Changes the channel PAGE UP DOWN Moves from one ...

Page 65: ...ple Remote Control For 42 47 55LE7500 47 55LE8500 CH FLASHBK VOL POWER TV INPUT POWER Turns the TV on from standby or off to standby TV INPUT Rotates through inputs Also switches the TV on from standby p 83 VOLUME UP DOWN Adjusts the volume MUTE Switches the sound on or off p 66 CHANNEL UP DOWN Changes the channel NUMBER button DASH Used to enter a program number for multiple program channels such...

Page 66: ...sing the INPUT button on the remote control 3 When finished using the TV press the POWER button on the remote control The TV reverts to standby mode NOTE If you intend to be away on vacation disconnect the power plug from the wall power outlet If you do not complete the Initial setting it will appear whenever the TV is switched on until the Initial setting procedure is completed 1 Press the CH ꕌor...

Page 67: ...etail environments Customers can adjust the Picture menu Picture mode manually while inspecting the TV but the TV will automatically return to preset in store mode after 5 minutes ꔛ Store Demo Mode is an optimal setting for displaying at stores Store Demo mode initializes the TV to set the image quality 1 Select Menu Language 2ENTER 1 Select Home Use 2ENTER Step 2 Mode Setting Selecting the enviro...

Page 68: connection and start Auto Tuning Step 4 Time Zone ꕉ Previous ꔉ Next Time Zone Eastern Daylight Saving Auto Step 5 Auto Tuning ꕉ Previous ꔉ Next Before starting be sure that the TV antenna is connected Step 3 Power Indicator For LED LCD TV 1 Select On or Off 2ENTER Step 3 Power Indicator ꕉ Previous ꔉ Next Standby Light Off ꔛ This function is disable in Step2 Mode Setting Store Demo ...

Page 69: ...ock System On Block Channel TV Rating English TV Rating French Downloadable Rating Input Block Key Lock Off OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home Use IR Blaster Off AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off 3 Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard Infinite Sound Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset L R CHANNEL ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Auto Tuning Manual Tun...

Page 70: ...V1 AV2 Component1 Component2 RGB PC HDMI1 HDMI2 HDMI3 HDMI4 Input Label ꕉ Exit Movie List MY MEDIA Photo List Music List NETWORK NETWORK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Network Setting None Network Status Not connected Legal Notice ESN JUMP HOLE IN ONE WHACK A MOLE SUDOKU COOKING BURGER SAVING CRYSTAL INVADER URGENT SURVIVAL ꕯ Exit GAME ...

Page 71: ... Analog signal ꔤSleep Timer Select the amount of time before your TV turns off automatically ꔳ Del Add Select channel you want to add or delete ꕄ Caption Select on or off ꔢUSB Device Select Eject in order to eject a USB device QUICK MENU Your TV s OSD On Screen Display may differ slightly from what is shown in this manual Q Menu Quick Menu is a menu of features which users might use frequently 1 Q...

Page 72: ...nds a software update on the LG server the update popup menu will appear automatically If the updated digital software informa tion is transmitted the update popup menu will appear automatically RED ꔛ The software downloading time will vary depending on the software size and network conditions ꔛ During the software update proce dure do not turn off the TV or dis connect AC power or disconnect the ...

Page 73: ...est Product Service Info Network Test Close No Yes Do you have a sound problem in this screen 1 MENU Select Customer Support 2 ENTER Select Picture Test or Sound Test 3 ENTER Select Yes 4 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing Software Update ꔑ Picture Test Sound Test Product Service Info Network Test Close No Yes Do you have a problem in this test screen RED ...

Page 74: ...Customer Service Center can differ by country Check the newtwork status 1 MENU Select Customer Support 2 ENTER Select Product Service Info You can check the various product Service infomation based on your model 3 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing 1 MENU Select Customer Support 2 ENTER Select Network Test 3ENTER Check the newtwork status RED RED Network Status Network conn...

Page 75: ...ormation by viewing a simple manual on the TV During the Simple Manual operation audio will be muted 1 MENU Select Simple Manual 2 Select the part of the manual you would like to see Go to the Index page Play the Simple Manual automatically or manually 3 EXIT Return to TV viewing RED BLUE GREEN ...

Page 76: ...R Run Auto tuning 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing ꔛ The TV will ask for a password if parental control has been activated LOCK Menu Use the password you set up in the LOCK Menu to allow a channel search ꔛ The maximum number of channels the TV can store is 1000 ꔛ Found channels are grouped in the order of DTV TV Cable DTV and Cable TV CHANNEL CHANNEL ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔂ Mo...

Page 77: ... or delete 5 ENTER Select Add or Delete 6 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing ꔛ The TV will ask for a password if parental control has been activated LOCK Menu Use the password you set up in the LOCK Menu to allow a channel search ꔛ The maximum number of channels the TV can store is 1000 CHANNEL CHANNEL ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Auto Tuning Manual Tuning Channel Edit Cha...

Page 78: ...he or buttons to move between DTV TV Cable DTV and Cable TV 1 MENU Select CHANNEL 2ENTER Select Channel Edit 3 ENTER Select a channel 4 Add or delete a channel Block or unblock the channel You can block unblock channels even if you select Lock system Off in the LOCK menu ENTER Switch to the chosen channel number CH P A G E Move the pages when the channel list is too long 5 BACK Return to the previ...

Page 79: ...Favorite List ꕉ Exit ꕉ Exit Group A Group A DTV 3 1 DTV 4 1 DTV 3 1 DTV 4 1 ꔅ Ch Reg ꔅ Ch Reg ꔅ Ch Edit ꔅ Ch Edit FAVORITE CHANNEL LIST Selecting a channel in the favorite channel list Paging through a favorite channel list Displaying the favorite channel list 1 2ABC 3DEF 4GHI 5JKL 6MNO 7PQRS 8TUV 0 9WXYZ 1 or CH P A G E Select your desired channel 2 FAV MARK CHAR NUM Select your desired favorite ...

Page 80: ... ꔒ DTV 4 1 ꔅ Ch Edit 1 Select a channel 2ENTER Switch to the chosen channel number 1 LIST Display the Channel List Tune to the CHANNEL menu Channel Edit 1 CH P A G E Turn the pages 2 EXIT Return to TV viewing Selecting a channel in the channel list Paging through a channel list Displaying Channel List BLUE This padlock is displayed when the channel is locked with parental control ꔡ ꔉ ...

Page 81: ꔥ Multilingual ꔨ ꔯ Caption ꔷ 1080i ꔒ TV PG D L S V Brief Info Title Test ꔖ DTV 8 1 CNN ꔀ Ch Change Next ꔉ Watch 10 10 AM 11 40 AM No information Sarah Bradley Steve Gray and Brendon Pongia present the latest in fashion the arts entertainment lifestyle and cooking with regular and special guests Sarah Bradley Steve Gray and Brendon Pongia present the latest in fashion the arts entertainment lif...

Page 82: ...he program contains two or more audio servic es Use the Q MENU menu to select wanted Audio ꔯ Caption The program contains one or more caption services Use the Q MENU menu to select wanted Closed caption ꔨ Dolby Digital The program contains a Dolby Digital audio signal in TV and HDMI input source ꔶ The original aspect ratio of the video is 4 3 ꔷ The original aspect ratio of the video is 16 9 wide 4...

Page 83: ...TER Select the desired input source ꔛ You can also select the desired input source in the INPUT menu ꔛ TV Select it to watch over the air cable and digital cable broadcasts ꔛ USB Select it to use movie photo or music files ꔛ AV Select them to watch a VCR or other external equipment ꔛ Component Select them to watch DVD or a Digital set top box ꔛ RGB PC Select it to view PC input ꔛ HDMI Select them ...

Page 84: ... Select the desired input source 2 Select the label 3 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing Input Label AV1 VCR AV2 Component1 Component2 RGB PC ꔍ Close BLUE Input List ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter TV USB1 USB2 AV1 AV2 Component1 Component2 RGB PC HDMI1 HDMI2 HDMI3 HDMI4 Input Label ꕉ Exit ie Change the input label using Blue button ...

Page 85: your password press 0 3 2 5 on the remote control OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home Use ꔀ ꔉ Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home Use 1 MENU Select OPTION 2 ENTER Select Initial Setting 3 ENTER Select Yes 4ENTER TV turns off automatically and starts factory reset No Yes All user set...

Page 86: ...tting for displaying at stores Store Demo mode initializes the TV to set the image quality OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home Use 1 MENU Select OPTION 2ENTER Select Mode Setting 3 ENTER Select Home Use 4 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing ꔉ ꔠ Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting ...

Page 87: mode you want Select Store Demo for in store dsplay For use in home select Home Use i Home Use Store Demo Demo Mode Off Close 1 MENU Select OPTION 2ENTER Select Mode Setting 3ENTER Select Store Demo 4 ENTER Select On 5 EXIT Return to TV viewing After a while Demo Mode starts If you want to stop the demo press any button Except VOL and MUTE button ꔉ ꔠ Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial...

Page 88: ...ou select Cinema ꔧ Cinema in AV mode Cinema ꔧ Cinema will be selected both for PICTURE menu Picture Mode and AUDIO menu Sound Mode respectively ꔛ If you select Off in AV mode the Picture Mode and Sound Mode return to previous selected value ꔛ Off Disables the AV MODE ꔛ Cinema ꔧ Cinema Optimizes video and audio for watching movies ꔛ Sport Optimizes video and audio for watching sports events ꔛ Game ...

Page 89: ...oy the games installed on the TV 1 MENU Select GAME 2ENTER Select the desired game 3ENTER Enter the selected game mode 4 EXIT Return to TV viewing GAME JUMP HOLE IN ONE WHACK A MOLE SUDOKU COOKING BURGER SAVING CRYSTAL INVADER URGENT SURVIVAL ꕯ Exit GAME ...

Page 90: ...r DISC 1 HDD DVD R VCR 1 HD HT Speaker TV Speaker ꔉ Enter ꕉ Exit On Watch TV HDD Recorder DISC 1 HDD DVD R VCR 1 HD HT Speaker TV Speaker 1 TV viewing Switch to the previous TV channel regardless of the current mode 2 DISC playback Select and play discs When multiple discs are available the disc devices are conveniently displayed at the bottom of the screen 3 VCR playback Control the connected VCR...

Page 91: ...IMPLINK an High Speed HDMI cable with CEC function should be used CEC Consumer Electronics Control A device which is connected to the TV through a HDMI cable but does not support SIMPLINK does not provide this function NOTE Connect the HDMI DVI IN or HDMI IN terminal of the TV to the rear terminal HDMI terminal of the SIMPLINK device with the HDMI cable When you switch the Input source with the IN...

Page 92: ... USB Device menu before removing the USB device MY MEDIA ꔛ This TV can view JPG image files HD DivX files and play MP3 audio files 1 Q MENU Select USB Device 2ENTER Select Eject 1 MENU Select MY MEDIA 2ENTER Select Movie List Photo List or Music List 3ENTER Select the desired device Search other network device 4 BACK Return to the previous menu BLUE Movie List MY MEDIA Photo List Music List CIFS T...

Page 93: ...gnized by the TV try a different cable Excessively long cables are not sup ported Some USB storage devices may not be supported or operate properly Please backup important files because data on USB device could be damaged Data management is consumer s responsibility and as a result the manufacturer does not cover data damage If your USB memory device has multiple partitions or if you use a USB mul...

Page 94: ...mon Internet File System Setup Case 1 Windows XP ꔛ The method of setting the shared folder may be different by the OS environment 1 Select the folder you wish to share and then click Sharing 2 Check Share this folder and click Apply This feature is not available for all models ...

Page 95: ...dd the Everyone and click Share 2 Choose the folder that you want to share Right click and click Properties Click Advanced Sharing on Sharing tab Check Share this folder and click Permission Add Everyone and check Full Control Allow 3 Check File sharing On Public folder sharing On and Password protected sharing Off ...

Page 96: ...ess a folder from two TVs at the same time Because files could be deleted from a shared PC set the user access level to Read Only Do not share any important personal documents as it may be accessed by a different PC If you rename or disable a shared folder on the PC after mounting you cannot mount it again If the status of the network or a share folder on the PC is changed search is run again when...

Page 97: ...t complies with DLNA Interoperability Guidelines v1 5 When a PC running DLNA server software or other DLNA compatible device is connected to this TV some setting changes of software or other devices may be required Please refer to the operating instructions for the software or device for more information NOTE The supplied Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials CD ROM is a customized software edition only for...

Page 98: ...or higher Windows Server 2003 ꔛ Windows Vista 64 bit edition application runs in 32 bit mode ꔛ Hard drive space 200 MB hard drive space for a typical installation of Nero MediaHome stand alone ꔛ 1 2 GHz Intel Pentium III or AMD Sempron 2200 processors ꔛ Memory 256 MB RAM ꔛ Graphics card with at least 32 MB video memory minimum resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and 16 bit color settings ꔛ Windows Inte...

Page 99: ...M drive 4 Click Nero MediaHome 4 Essentials The installation is prepared and the installation wizard appears 5 Click the Next button to display the serial number input screen Click Next to go to the next step 6 If you accept all conditions click I accept the License Conditions check box and click Next Installation is not possible without this agreement 7 Click Typical and click Next The installati...

Page 100: ...ized by your TV 3 Click Shares icon on the left 4 Click Local Folders tab on the Shared screen 5 Click Add icon to open the Browse Folder window 6 Select the folder containing the files you want to share The selected folder is added to the list of shared folders 7 Click Start Server icon to start the server NOTE If the shared folders or files are not displayed on the TV click the folder on the Loc...

Page 101: ... next file The file information indicated on the screen may not always correct for music and movie files in MY MEDIA menu This TV only supports movie subtitle files supplied by Nero MediaHome 4 The subtitle file name and movie file name have to be the same and located at the same folder If subtitle files have been added after a directory has been indexed already the user has to remove and re add t...

Page 102: ... blocks are supported within the subtitle file We do not guarantee smooth playback of profiles encoded level 4 1 or higher in H 264 AVC DTS Audio codec is not supported A video file more than 30GB in file size is not supported for playback Playing a video via a USB connection that doesn t support high speed may not work properly USB storage devices below USB 2 0 are supported as well But they may ...

Page 103: ...n sation or quarterpel motion estimation does not supported Streams using this syntax are not supported MPEG 4 Part 2 Advanced Simple Profile e g 720p 1080i Audio AAC AAC LC and HE AAC mkv Video H 264 AVC Main Profile Level 4 1 High Profile Level 4 1 e g 720p60 1080i60 1080p30 Most of the MKV con tent available is encod ed by the open source x264 codec Audio AAC AAC LC and HE AAC Dolby Digital ts ...

Page 104: the folder focused on 1 5 Current page total pages of contents Screen Components Page 1 1 Movie List Page 1 1 USB 1 XTICK Move Play Page Change Mark Drive1 1 EMF 10_1_Top100 20090711 FHD Moon Child 01 34 33 1 5 4 2 3 ꔅ Change Device ꔅ To Photo List ꔅ Change Numbers ꔅ Mark Mode ꕯ Exit RED Change to a different input GREEN Move to Photo List or Music List YELLOW Change Numbers Changes the number ...

Page 105: ...shes playing the next selected one will be played automatically GREEN Mark All Mark all files in the folder YELLOW Unmark All Deselect all marked files BLUE Enter or exit the Mark Mode Page 1 1 Movie List Page 1 1 USB 1 XTICK Move Play Page Change Mark Drive1 1 EMF 10_1_Top100 20090711 FHD Moon Child 01 34 33 Page 1 1 Movie List Page 1 1 USB 1 XTICK Move Mark Page Change Mark Drive1 1 EMF 10_1_Top...

Page 106: ...increase the brightness of your screen Refer to p 132 AV MODE Press the AV MODE button repeatedly to select the desired source Refer to p 88 Using the remote control Playing the Movie 1 Q MENU Show the Option menu 2 ENTER Select Set Video Play Set Video or Set Audio NOTE When replaying a video file after stop ping you can play from where it stopped automatically If you select Yes when playing the ...

Page 107: ꔛ Audio Language Changes the Language Group of the audio for video files Files with a single audio track cannot be selected ꔛ Subtitle Language The subtitles can be turned on or off ꔛ Language Activated for SMI subtitles and can select the language within the subtitle ꔛ Code Page Subtitle font selection When set to default contents are displayed in the language set in Option Language Menu La...

Page 108: ... Low ꔅ Picture Reset Previous Set Audio Sound Mode Standard Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off Balance 0 Previous L R For LED LCD TV LCD TV Set Video Picture Mode Standard Contrast 100 Brightness 50 Sharpness 50 Color 60 Tint 0 Color Temp 0 Noise Reduction Low ꔅ Picture Reset Previous For Plasma TV R G W C 1 ENTER Make appropriate adjustments Then select Previous BLUE Reset picture settings to def...

Page 109: ...RED Change to a different input GREEN Move to Music List or Movie List YELLOW Change Numbers Changes the number or thumbnails displayed at a time BLUE Allows you to mark certain files EXIT Return to TV viewing Supported photo file JPG ꔛ Baseline 64 pixel width x 64 pixel height to 15360 pixel width x 8640 pixel height ꔛ Progressive 64 pixel width x 64 pixel height to 1920 pixel width x 1440 pixel ...

Page 110: ... photo files 4 RED View the marked photo files Mark Mode RED View Marked Display the selected photo GREEN Mark All Mark all photos on the screen YELLOW Unmark All Deselect all marked photos BLUE Enter or exit the Mark Mode 1 Select the target folder or drive 2 ENTER Select the desired pho tos 3 ENTER Photo file is displayed Page 1 1 Photo List Page 1 1 Drive1 USB 1 XTICK Move View Page Change Mark...

Page 111: ... the target folder or drive 2 ENTER Select the desired photos 3 ENTER The selected photo is displayed in full size ꔛ Use the CH ꕌꕍ button to navigate in the photo page Page 1 1 Photo List Page 1 1 Drive1 USB 1 XTICK Move View Page Change Mark ꔅ Change Device ꔅ To Music List ꔅ Change Numbers ꔅ Mark Mode ꕯ Exit 01_a jpg 2008 12 10 1920 x 1080 479 KB Slideshow BGM ꕲ Option Hide ꕯ Exit 2 13 ...

Page 112: ...e Rotate photos ꔛ Rotates the photo 90 180 270 360 clockwise ꔛ Photos cannot be rotated if its width is greater than the available supported resolution height ꕲ ꕳ View the photo in full mode or original mode Energy Saving Increase the brightness of your screen by using ENERGY SAVING button Option Set values for Slide Speed and BGM Refer to p 113 ꔛ You cannot change BGM while BGM is playing ꔛ You c...

Page 113: ...ive1 Repeat On Random Off Previous 1 Q MENU Show the Option menu 2 ENTER Select Set Photo View Set Video or Set Audio 1 Select Slide Speed or BGM 2 Make appropriate adjustments 01_a jpg 2008 12 10 1920 x 1080 479 KB Slideshow BGM ꕲ Option Hide ꕯ Exit 2 13 Choose options Set Photo View Set Video Set Audio Close ...

Page 114: ...dio Sound Mode Standard Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off Balance 0 Previous L R For LED LCD TV LCD TV Set Video Picture Mode Standard Contrast 100 Brightness 50 Sharpness 50 Color 60 Tint 0 Color Temp 0 Noise Reduction Low ꔅ Picture Reset Previous For Plasma TV R G W C 1 ENTER Make appropriate adjustments Then select Previous BLUE Reset picture settings to default 1 ENTER Make appropriate adjust...

Page 115: ...our screen Refer to p 132 For LED LCD TV LCD TV It s available ENERGY SAVING Off Screen Off only Screen Components Select MY MEDIA Select Music List 2 1 MENU ENTER ENTER 1 Preview If any album jacket for the file Album Art Image exists this picture is displayed 2 Moves to upper level folder 3 Current page Total pages 4 Corresponding buttons on the remote control 5 Contents under the folder focused...

Page 116: ...t Page 1 1 001 B01 mp3 00 00 002 B02 mp3 00 00 003 B03 mp3 00 00 004 B04 mp3 00 00 005 B05 mp3 00 00 Drive1 USB 1 XTICK Move Mark Page Change Mark Mark Mode 1 Select the target folder or drive 2 ENTER Select the desired music file 3 FAV MARK CHAR NUM Mark your desired music file 4 RED Play the marked music file RED Play Marked Play the selected songs Once a song finishes playing the next selected ...

Page 117: ...It s available ENERGY SAVING Off Screen Off only A cursor indicating the position can be played EXIT Move to the previous menu screen Using the remote control 1 Q MENU Show the Option menu 2 ENTER Select Set Audio Play or Set Audio NOTE You can listen to the music only within the device currently played Choose options Set Audio Play Set Audio Close Page 1 1 Music List Page 1 1 02 30 03 25 005 Mad ...

Page 118: ...o Play Menu Options Set Audio Menu Options Set Audio Sound Mode Standard Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off Balance 0 Previous L R 1 Select Repeat or Random 2 Make appropriate adjustments 1 Select Sound Mode Auto Volume Clear Voice II or Balance 2 Make appropriate adjustments ...

Page 119: ...h copy protection will not play Press ENTER or button to stop the screen saver ꔛ If you don t press any buttons for a while the play information box will float across the screen This prevents screen pixel damage due to a fixed image remaining on the screen for a extended period of time 002 B02 mp3 00 31 04 04 ...

Page 120: ...ur device to play DivX protected videos Registration code xxxxxxxxxx Register at http vod divx com i DivX Reg Code Deactivation Previous Movie List MY MEDIA Photo List Music List BLUE NOTE When loading some buttons may not work If you use the DivX registration code of another device the rented or purchased DivX file cannot be played Therefore always use the DivX registration code assigned to this ...

Page 121: ...ount Delete the existing authentication information to receive a new DivX user authentication for TV Once this function is executed a DivX user authentication is required again to see DivX DRM files 1 MENU Select MY MEDIA 2ENTER Select DivX Option 3 Select Deactivation 4ENTER Select Yes 5ENTER Display Deactivation DivX Reg Code Deactivation Previous Yes No Deregistration code Deregister at http vo...


Page 123: ...A In order to make rental purchase transactions on the Vudu service a user must create an account on vudu com That account is linked to a specific device via a process called activation It is possible to have multiple devices associated with a single Vudu account Note that this service is provided by the Content Provider Vudu It is dependent on Vudu to pro vide the data ꔛ YouTube YouTube is a vide...

Page 124: ...can upload view and share video clips Screen Components 1 YouTube menu 2 Videos list 1 RED Set the option menu Return to Netcast menu EXIT Return to TV viewing 2 NOTE When you press the Q menu button while the Youtube video is playing in full mode you can set the video options ...

Page 125: ...n be stored Favorites In sign in status this menu will be displayed the videos list that is arranged in the YouTube server with your account Some videos may not appear on the Favorites list even if the videos are arranged in the server Sign in Sign Out Displays the keypad keyboard menu to sign in or returns to the sign out status YouTube menu Stops the video and displays related videos list Pause ...

Page 126: ...o organizing or sharing website where users can upload view and share photos Screen Components 1 Picasa menu 2 Photo list 1 2 Navigate the desired photos ENTER The selected photo file is displayed Return to Netcast menu EXIT Return to TV viewing ...

Page 127: ... you want as friends You can add up to 10 friends Search The keypad keyboard menu will be displayed My Photos You can view the pictures uploaded to the Web This function can only be used when you sign in Sign in Sign Out Displays the keypad keyboard menu to sign in or returns to the sign out status Picasa menu ...

Page 128: ... the RATIO button repeatedly to select the desired picture format PICTURE PICTURE Move Enter ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Aspect Ratio 16 9 Picture Wizard ꕊ Energy Saving Off Picture Mode Standard Backlight 70 Contrast 100 Brightness 50 Sharpness 70 Aspect Ratio 16 9 Picture Wizard ꕊ Energy Saving Off Picture Mode Standard Backlight 70 Contrast 100 Brightness 50 Sharpness 70 ꔡ ꔉ Zoom Cinema Zoom 1 Q MENU Select...

Page 129: ...080i 1080p input source Set By Program Selects the proper picture proportion to match the source s image 4 3 Choose 4 3 when you want to view a picture with an original 4 3 aspect ratio Zoom Choose Zoom when you want to view the picture without any alteration However the top and bottom portions of the picture will be cropped Cinema Zoom Choose Cinema Zoom when you want to enlarge the picture in co...

Page 130: ...ed 5 ENTER Adjust Black Level 6 ENTER Adjust White Level 7 ENTER Adjust Tint ꔛ If you select Preferred OSD On Screen Display differ from that shown in this manual PICTURE ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꕉ Previous ꔉ Next Black Level Set the screen above identical to the Recommended sample below Brightness 50 Low High Recommended ꕉ Previous ꔉ Next White Level Set the screen above identical to the Recommended sample...

Page 131: ... identical to the Recommended sample below Color 50 Low High Recommended ꕉ Previous ꔉ Next Horizontal Sharpness Set the screen above identical to the Recommended sample below H Sharpness 50 Low High Recommended ꕉ Previous ꔉ Next Vertical Sharpness Set the screen above identical to the Recommended sample below V Sharpness 50 Low High Recommended ꕉ Previous ꔉ Next Backlight Set the Backlight to your...

Page 132: ... Backlight feature For LED LCD TV LCD TV ꔛ If you adjust Energy Saving Intelligent Sensor Sharpness Color Color Temperature feature will not work For Plasma TV ꔛ When selecting Auto Backlight is automatically adjusted through Intelligent Sensor according to the surrounding conditions For LED LCD TV LCD TV ꔛ When selecting Off Energy Saving is not used ꔛ Press the ENERGY SAVING button repeatedly to...

Page 133: ...s ꔛ ꔧ Cinema This is cinema quality mode to provide you the experience of watching a movie at home The user will be able enjoy the best level of satisfactory screen quality in any movie without any separate adjustments ꔧ Cinema express the optimal screen quality when it is darkest When selecting ꔧ Cinema Aspect ratio changes to Just scan ꔛ ꔧ Bright Room This is the specification to optimize TV vie...

Page 134: ... in video signal and the power consumption is reduced ꔛ Backlight can only be adjusted in Energy Saving Off Minimum or Medium ꔛ Contrast Increase or decrease the gradient of the video signal You may use Contrast when the bright part of the picture is saturated ꔛ Brightness Adjusts the base level of the signal in the picture You may use Brightness when the dark part of the picture is saturated ꔛ Sh...

Page 135: ...ious menu EXIT Return to TV viewing PICTURE ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Color 60 Tint 0 Color Temp 0 Advanced Control Picture Reset TruMotion Low Screen RGB PC LED Local Dimming On PICTURE ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Color 60 Tint 0 Color Temp 0 Advanced Control Picture Reset TruMotion Low Screen RGB PC LED Local Dimming On ꔀ ꔉ R G W C R G W C Dynamic Contrast Low Dynamic Color Off Clear White Off Skin Color 0 Noise Reduct...

Page 136: ...ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Aspect Ratio 16 9 Picture Wizard ꕊ Energy Saving Off Picture Mode ꕋ Expert1 ꔉ Backlight 70 Contrast 90 Brightness 50 H Sharpness 70 V Sharpness 70 Color 70 Tint 70 Expert Control Picture Reset TruMotion Low Screen RGB PC LED Local Dimming On R G W C Dynamic Contrast Off Noise Reduction Off Digital Noise Reduction Off Black Level Low Real Cinema On Color Gamut Wide Edge Enhancer High...

Page 137: ...AV NTSC M HDMI or Component Clear White ꔛ Make the white area of screen brighter and more white Eye Care ꔛ Adjust the brightness of the screen to prevent the screen from being too bright Dims extremely bright pictures ꔛ This feature is enabled in Picture Mode Standard Sports Game Real Cinema or Film Mode ꔛ Makes video clips recorded in film look more natural by eliminating judder effect ꔛ DVD and ...

Page 138: ...gnal and can be set among 10 20 30 100 You can adjust Red Green or Blue according to each setting Luminance This function displays calculated luminance value for 2 2 gamma You can input luminance value you want at 100 IRE then the target luminance value for 2 2 gamma is displayed at every 10 steps from 10 IRE to 90 IRE Red Green Blue The adjustment range is 50 50 c 2 Method 20 Point IRE Plasma TV ...

Page 139: ... Picture Reset TruMotion Low Screen RGB PC LED Local Dimming On Resetting video configuration i R G W C R G W C ꔀ ꔉ Color 60 Tint 0 Color Temp 0 Advanced Control Picture Reset TruMotion Low Screen RGB PC LED Local Dimming On No Yes All picture settings will be reset Continue 1 MENU Select PICTURE 2ENTER Select Picture Reset 3ENTER Select Yes 4ENTER Initialize the adjusted value EXIT Return to TV v...

Page 140: ...reen ꔛ TruMotion works with all inputs except PC mode ꔛ If you enable TruMotion noise may appear on the screen If this occurs set TruMotion to Off ꔛ If you select Picture Mode Game set TruMotion to Off PICTURE ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter TruMotion Low Judder 5 Blur 5 1 MENU Select PICTURE 2ENTER Select TruMotion 3ENTER Select Low High User or Off 4ENTER Select Judder or Blur 5 Make appropriate adjustments 6 BA...

Page 141: ... Mode Game PICTURE ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter PICTURE ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Color 60 Tint 0 Color Temp 0 Advanced Control Picture Reset TruMotion Low Screen RGB PC LED Local Dimming On R G W C R G W C Off ꔑ On ꔉ ꔠ Color 60 Tint 0 Color Temp 0 Advanced Control Picture Reset TruMotion Low Screen RGB PC LED Local Dimming On 1 MENU Select PICTURE 2ENTER Select LED Local Dimming 3ENTER Select On or Off 4 BACK Return to t...

Page 142: ... indicator light on the front of the TV to On or Off when the power turns on 1 MENU Select OPTION 2ENTER Select Power Indicator 3ENTER Select Standby Light or Power Light 4 Select your desired options 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀ ꔉ Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home Use Language Captio...

Page 143: ...est not to allow any fixed image to remain on the screen ꔛ Color Wash The color block with the screen moved a little and the white pattern are displayed It is difficult to see the after image on all colors Once it has been corrected it will not be visible in any color ꔛ White Wash White Wash removes ghost images from the screen Use sparingly Watch the TV normally for a while before using this feat...

Page 144: changed This feature allows users to enjoy stable volume levels by making automatic adjustments for each program 1 MENU Select AUDIO 2ENTER Select Auto Volume 3ENTER Select On or Off 4 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter L R ꔡ ꔉ Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off 3 Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard Infinite Sound Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ...

Page 145: ...priate adjustments 6 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing Adjustment for Clear Voice Level with selecting On AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter L R ꔀ ꔉ Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off 3 Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard Infinite Sound Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off 3 Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard Infinite Sound Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset...

Page 146: ... Make appropriate adjustments 4 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀ ꔉ L R Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off 3 Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard Infinite Sound Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off 3 Balance 0 ꔉ Sound Mode Standard Infinite Sound Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset L R Balance 0 Close L R ...

Page 147: ... factory ꔛ You can also adjust Sound Mode in the Q MENU ꔛ Standard Offers standard quality sound ꔛ Music Optimizes sound for listening to music ꔛ Cinema Optimizes sound for watch ing movies ꔛ Sport Optimizes sound for watching sports events ꔛ Game Optimizes sound for playing games AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter L R ꔀ ꔉ Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off 3 Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard Infinite Sound Off Tre...

Page 148: ...ended to use a separate home theater sys tem or amp to cope with different user environments ꔛ If you select Clear Voice II On the Infinite Sound feature will not oper ate ꔛ Infinite Sound Infinite Sound is a patented LG proprietary sound pro cessing technology that strives immersive 5 1 surround sound with just two front speakers AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter L R ꔀ ꔉ Auto Volume Off Clear Voice II Off 3 B...

Page 149: ... Infinite Sound Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset TV Speaker On AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Clear Voice II Off 3 Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard Infinite Sound Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset TV Speaker On L R Resetting audio configuration i 1 MENU Select AUDIO 2ENTER Select Reset 3ENTER Select Yes 4ENTER Initialize the adjusted value EXIT Return to TV viewing No Yes All audio settings will be resetted Continue ...

Page 150: ...elect TV Speaker 3ENTER Select On or Off 4 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter L R ꔉ ꔠ Clear Voice II Off 3 Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard Infinite Sound Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset TV Speaker On AUDIO ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Clear Voice II Off 3 Balance 0 Sound Mode Standard Infinite Sound Off Treble 50 Bass 50 Reset TV Speaker On L R Off ꔑ On ꔉ ꔠ ...

Page 151: ...panies the stereo program if the station transmits an additional sound signal Mono sound is automatically used if the broadcast is only in Mono Analog TV Digital TV 1 Q MENU Select SAP 2ENTER Select Mono Stereo or SAP 3 EXIT Return to TV viewing 1 Q MENU Select Multi Audio 2ENTER Select other languages 3 EXIT Return to TV viewing A English Multi Audio ꕉ Exit ...

Page 152: ...R Select Audio Language 4 Select your desired language 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔡ ꔉ Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home Use OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home Use Menu Language English Audio Language English Close ...

Page 153: ...our desired language From this point on the on screen menus will be shown in the selected language 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔡ ꔉ Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home Use OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home Use Menu Language English Audio Language Engli...

Page 154: ... Analog Broadcasting System Captions 1 MENU Select OPTION 2ENTER Select Caption 3ENTER Select On 4 Select CC1 4 or Text1 4 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing ꔛ When selecting Off Sub menus for Analog DTV and Digital Option become disabled ꔛ Caption The term for the words that scroll across the bottom of the TV screen usually the audio portion of the pro gram provided for ...

Page 155: ...on in only available when Caption Mode is set On 1 MENU Select OPTION 2ENTER Select Caption 3ENTER Select On 4 Select CC1 4 Text1 4 or Service1 6 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀ ꔉ Language Caption Off Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home Use OPTION ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Language Caption CC1 Power Indicator Initial Setting Mode Setting Home...

Page 156: ...evious menu EXIT Return to TV viewing ꔛ Size Set the word size ꔛ Font Select a typeface for the text ꔛ Text Color Choose a color for the text ꔛ Text Opacity Specify the opacity for the text color ꔛ Bg Background Color Select a background color ꔛ Bg Background Opacity Select the opacity for the background color ꔛ Edge Type Select an edge type ꔛ Edge Color Select a color for the edges Custom Size A ...

Page 157: ...elect Auto 4 Select your viewing area time zone USA Eastern Central Mountain Pacific Alaska or Hawaii Canada Eastern Central Mountain Pacific New Foundland or Atlantic 5 Select Auto Off or On depending on whether or not your viewing area observes Daylight Saving time 6 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing TIME ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Clock Off Time Off On TIme Off Sleep Timer Off TIME...

Page 158: ...Year Month Date Hour or Minute option 5 Set the Year Month Date Hour or Minute option 6 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing TIME ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Clock Off Time Off On TIme Off Sleep Timer Off TIME ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Clock ꔉ Off Time Off On TIme Off Sleep Timer Off Manual Month 02 Date 21 Year 2010 Hour 10 AM Minute 10 Time Zone Eastern Daylight Saving Auto Close ꔡ ꔉ ...

Page 159: ...ct Off ꔛ Only for On Time function 1 MENU Select TIME 2ENTER Select Off Time or On Time 3ENTER Select Repeat 4 Select Off Once Daily Mon Fri Mon Sat Sat Sun or Sun 5 Select and set Hour or Minute 6 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing 1 Select Input 2 Select the desired input source 3 When Selecting TV set the channel at turn on 4 Adjust to sound level at turn on TIME ꔂ Move ...

Page 160: ...p Timer 3ENTER Make appropriate adjustments 4 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing ꔛ To cancel the Sleep Timer select Off ꔛ You can also adjust Sleep Timer in the Q MENU TIME ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Clock Off Time Off On TIme Off Sleep Timer Off TIME ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Clock Off Time Off On TIme Off Sleep Timer Off ꔉ ꔑ Off 10 min 20 min 30 min 60 min 90 min 120 min 180 min 240 min ꔉ ꔠ ꔡ ꔉ...

Page 161: ...r Individual Categories Movies that have been shown at the theaters or direct to video movies use the Movie Rating System MPAA only Ratings for Television programs including made for TV movies ꔛ TV G General audience ꔛ TV PG Parental guidance suggested ꔛ TV 14 Parents strongly cautioned ꔛ TV MA Mature audience only ꔛ TV Y All children ꔛ TV Y7 Children 7 years older Set up blocking schemes to block...

Page 162: ...hoose any 4 digits for your new password As soon as the 4 digits are entered re enter the same 4 digits on the Confirm 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Set Password Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block ꔡ ꔉ LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Set Password Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rati...

Page 163: ...ct On or Off 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing ꔛ When you select On the Lock System is enable LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Set Password Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Set Password Lock System On ꔉ Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating I...

Page 164: ...lock Channel page 1 1 ꘃ Page Change ꕉ Previous Favorite Group A 1 MENU ENTER Select LOCK 21 2ABC 3DEF 4GHI 5JKL 6MNO 7PQRS 8TUV 0 9WXYZ Input the password 3 Select Block Channel 4ENTER Select a channel to block or unblock 5 Block or unblock a channel 6 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing YELLOW LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Set Password Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rat...

Page 165: ...ned ꔛ R Restricted ꔛ NC 17 No one 17 and under admit ted ꔛ X Adult only ꔛ Blocking Off Permits all programs ꔛ If you set PG 13 G and PG movies will be available PG 13 R NC 17 and X will be blocked 1 MENU ENTER Select LOCK 21 2ABC 3DEF 4GHI 5JKL 6MNO 7PQRS 8TUV 0 9WXYZ Input the password 3 Select Movie Rating 4ENTER Select G PG PG 13 R NC 17 X or Blocking Off 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT...

Page 166: ...tasy Violence applies to TV Y7 1 MENU ENTER Select LOCK 21 2ABC 3DEF 4GHI 5JKL 6MNO 7PQRS 8TUV 0 9WXYZ Input the password 3 Select TV Rating Children 4ENTER Select Age or Fantasy Violence 5ENTER Select block options 6 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Set Password Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadabl...

Page 167: ...NU ENTER Select LOCK 21 2ABC 3DEF 4GHI 5JKL 6MNO 7PQRS 8TUV 0 9WXYZ Input the password 3 Select TV Rating General 4ENTER Select Age Dialogue Language Sex or Violence 5ENTER Select block options 6 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Set Password Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block L...

Page 168: ...Blocking Off Permits all programs 1 MENU ENTER Select LOCK 21 2ABC 3DEF 4GHI 5JKL 6MNO 7PQRS 8TUV 0 9WXYZ Input the password 3 Select TV Rating English 4ENTER Select E C C8 G PG 14 18 or Blocking Off 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀ ꔉ Set Password Lock System On Block Channel TV Rating English TV Rating French Downloadable Rating Input Block Key Lo...

Page 169: ...lect LOCK 21 2ABC 3DEF 4GHI 5JKL 6MNO 7PQRS 8TUV 0 9WXYZ Input the password 3 Select TV Rating French 4ENTER Select E G 8ans 13ans 16ans 18ans or Blocking Off 5 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀ ꔉ Set Password Lock System On Block Channel TV Rating English TV Rating French Downloadable Rating Input Block Key Lock Off LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Set Password L...

Page 170: ...Select desired Downloadable Rating option 5ENTER Select desired option and block it 6 BACK Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀ ꔉ Set Password Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Set Password Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating Gen...

Page 171: ... Return to the previous menu EXIT Return to TV viewing LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔀ ꔉ Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block Key Lock Off LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block Key Lock Off AV1 Off AV2 Off Component1 Off Component2 Off RGB PC ...

Page 172: ...ote control ꔛ With the Key Lock On the display Key Lock appears on the screen if any button on the front panel is pressed while viewing the TV LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔉ ꔠ Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downloadable Rating Input Block Key Lock Off LOCK ꔂ Move ꔉ Enter ꔉ ꔠ Lock System On Block Channel Movie Rating TV Rating Children TV Rating General Downlo...

Page 173: ...lowly after switching on ꔛ This is normal the image is muted during the product startup process Please contact your service center if the picture has not appeared after five minutes No or poor color or poor picture ꔛ Adjust Color in menu option ꔛ Keep a sufficient distance between the product and the VCR ꔛ Try another channel The problem may be with the broadcast ꔛ Are the video cables installed p...

Page 174: ...MP3 file PC Mode Problems The signal is out of range ꔛ Adjust resolution horizontal frequency or vertical frequency on the PC ꔛ Check the input source Vertical bar or stripe on background Horizontal Noise Incorrect position ꔛ Activate the Auto configure feature or adjust size phase or H V position Option Screen color is unsta ble or single color ꔛ Check the signal cable ꔛ Reinstall the PC video ca...

Page 175: ...the video is working normally but the audio is not work ing normally ꔛ Check whether the file is playing normally on a PC Check whether the file is damaged ꔛ Check whether the audio codec is supported ꔛ Check whether the bit rate is supported ꔛ Check whether the sample rate is supported Subtitle is not working ꔛ Check whether the file is playing normally on a PC Check whether the file is damaged ꔛ...

Page 176: ... water and a little fabric softener or dish washing detergent Wring the cloth until it s almost dry and then use it to wipe the screen Make sure the excess water is off the screen and then let it air dry before you turn on your TV Cleaning the Cabinet ꔛ To remove dirt or dust wipe the cabinet with a soft dry lint free cloth ꔛ Please be sure not to use a wet cloth Extended Absence 2 1 CAUTION If yo...

Page 177: ...503 0 mm x 74 7 mm 31 5 inch x 19 8 inch x 2 9 inch 1024 0 mm x 632 0 mm x 78 7 mm 40 3 inch x 24 8 inch x 3 0 inch Weight With stand 10 2 kg 22 4 lbs 15 4 kg 33 9 lbs Without stand 9 2 kg 20 2 lbs 13 8 kg 30 4 lbs Power requirement AC 100 240 V 50 60 Hz Television System NTSC M ATSC 64 256 QAM Program Coverage VHF 2 13 UHF 14 69 CATV 1 135 DTV 2 69 CADTV 1 135 External Antenna Impedance 75 Ω Envi...

Page 178: ... inch x 3 7 inch Weight With stand 20 3 kg 44 7 lbs 33 0 kg 72 7 lbs Without stand 18 3 kg 40 3 lbs 28 8 kg 63 4 lbs Power requirement AC 100 240 V 50 60 Hz Television System NTSC M ATSC 64 256 QAM Program Coverage VHF 2 13 UHF 14 69 CATV 1 135 DTV 2 69 CADTV 1 135 External Antenna Impedance 75 Ω Environment condition Operating Temperature 0 C to 40 C 32 F to 104 F Operating Humidity Less than 80 ...

Page 179: ... The specifications shown above may be changed without prior notice for quality improvement MODELS 50PK750 50PK750 UA 50PK750 UF 60PK750 60PK750 UA 60PK750 UF Dimensions Width x Height x Depth With stand 1184 0 mm X 801 0 mm X 309 7 mm 46 6 inch x 31 5 inch x 12 1 inch 1402 8 mm X 935 3 mm X 383 9mm 55 2 inch x 36 8 inch x 15 1 inch Without stand 1184 0 mm X 738 5 mm X 52 4 mm 46 6 inch x 29 0 inc...

Page 180: ...pth With stand 784 6 mm x 558 1 mm x 221 0 mm 30 8 inch x 21 9 inch x 8 7 inch 1016 0 mm x 692 0 mm x 270 0 mm 40 0 inch x 27 2 inch x 10 6 inch Without stand 784 6 mm x 499 5 mm x 39 9 mm 30 8 inch x 19 6 inch x 1 5 inch 1016 0 mm x 630 0 mm x 29 3 mm 40 0 inch x 24 8 inch x 1 1 inch Weight With stand 12 6 kg 27 7 lbs 19 5 kg 42 9 lbs Without stand 10 5 kg 23 1 lbs 16 7 kg 36 8 lbs Power requirem...

Page 181: ... mm x 29 3 mm 40 0 inch x 24 8 inch x 1 1 inch 1128 6 mm x 693 3 mm x 29 8 mm 44 4 inch x 27 2 inch x 1 1 inch Weight With stand 21 9 kg 48 2 lbs 26 2 kg 57 7 lbs Without stand 19 1 kg 42 1 lbs 23 0 kg 50 7 lbs Power requirement AC 120 V 50 60 Hz Television System NTSC M ATSC 64 256 QAM Program Coverage VHF 2 13 UHF 14 69 CATV 1 135 DTV 2 69 CADTV 1 135 External Antenna Impedance 75 Ω Environment ...

Page 182: ...igh custom code Data code High custom code Data code Data code T1 Tc 4 5 ms 2 25 ms 9 ms 9 ms 0 55 ms Tf Tf Tf 108 ms 455 KHz 0 56 ms 0 56 ms 1 12 ms 2 24 ms Low custom code Lead code High custom code Data code Data code C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 C0 C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7 Lead code L...

Page 183: ...trol Button D4 COMPONENT2 Discrete IR Code 40 ꕌ Remote Control Button Component2 Input Selection 41 ꕍ Remote Control Button D5 RGB PC Discrete IR Code 43 MENU Remote Control Button RGB PC Input Selection 44 ENTER Remote Control Button CE HDMI1 Discrete IR Code 45 Q MENU Remote Control Button HDMI1 Input Selection 4C Dash LIST Remote Control Button CC HDMI2 Discrete IR Code 5B EXIT Remote Control B...

Page 184: ...ors reputations Finally any free program is threatened constantly by soft ware patents We wish to avoid the danger that redistribu tors of a free program will individually obtain patent licens es in effect making the program proprietary To prevent this we have made it clear that any patent must be licensed for everyone s free use or not licensed at all The precise terms and conditions for copying ...

Page 185: ... machine readable copy of the corresponding source code to be distributed under the terms of sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange or c Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer to distribute corresponding source code This alternative is allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you received the program in object code or exe...

Page 186: ...en in the body of this license 9 The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and or new versions of the General Public License from time to time Such new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns Each version is given a distinguishing version number If the program specifies a version number of this license which appl...

Page 187: Foundation Inc 51 Franklin Street Fifth Floor Boston MA 02110 1301 USA Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail If the program is interactive make it output a short notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode Gnomovision version 69 Copyright C year name of author Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY for details type show w This is free software...

Page 188: ...nty for the free library Also if the library is modified by someone else and passed on the recipients should know that what they have is not the original version so that the original author s reputation will not be affected by problems that might be introduced by others Finally software patents pose a constant threat to the exis tence of any free program We wish to make sure that a company cannot ...

Page 189: ...copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty keep intact all the notices that refer to this license and to the absence of any warranty and distribute a copy of this license along with the Library You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy and you may at your option offer warranty pro tection in exchange for a fee 2 You may modify your copy or copies of the ...

Page 190: ...s ten lines or less in length then the use of the object file is unrestricted regardless of whether it is legally a derivative work Executable containing this object code plus portions of the library will still fall under Section 6 Otherwise if the work is a derivative of the library you may distribute the object code for the work under the terms of Section 6 Any executable containing that work al...

Page 191: ...further restrictions on the recipients exercise of the rights granted herein You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties with this license 11 If as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason not lim ited to patent issues conditions are imposed on you whether by court order agreement or otherwise that contradict the condition...

Page 192: ...F SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to apply these terms to your new libraries If you develop a new library and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public we recommend making it free software that everyone can redistribute and change You can do so by permitting redistribution under these terms or alterna...

Page 193: ...nse is not already covered code governed by this license 1 10 1 Patent claims means any patent claim s now owned or hereafter acquired including without limi tation method process and apparatus claims in any patent licensable by grantor 1 11 Source code means the preferred form of the cov ered code for making modifications to it including all modules it contains plus any associated interface defin...

Page 194: ...e you distribute You may not offer or impose any terms on any source code ver sion that alters or restricts the applicable version of this license or the recipients rights hereunder However you may include an additional document offering the additional rights described in section 3 5 3 2 Availability of source code Any modification which you create or to which you contribute must be made available...

Page 195: ...hat any terms which differ from this license are offered by you alone not by the Initial developer or any contributor You hereby agree to indemnify the initial developer and every contributor for any liability incurred by the initial developer or such contributor as a result of any such terms You offer 3 7 Larger works You may create a larger work by combining covered code with other code not gove...

Page 196: ...of the 60 day notice period specified above b any software hardware or device other than such participant s contributor Version directly or indi rectly infringes any patent then any rights grant ed to You by such participant under sections 2 1 b and 2 2 b are revoked effective as of the date you first made used sold distributed or had made modifications made by that partici pant 8 3 If you assert ...

Page 197: ...ensed Multiple Licensed means that the initial developer permits you to utilize portions of the covered code under your choice of the NPL or the alternative licenses if any specified by the initial developer in the file described in exhibit A EXHIBIT A Mozilla Public License The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1 1 the license you may not use this file except...

Page 198: ...The model and serial number of the TV is located on the back and one side of the TV Record it below should you ever need service MODEL SERIAL ...
