Lifting and moving the TV
Please note the following advice to prevent the TV from being scratched
or damaged and for safe transportation regardless of its type and size.
It is recommended to move the TV in the box or packing material
that the TV originally came in.
Before moving or lifting the TV, disconnect the power cord and
all cables.
When holding the TV, the screen should face away from you to
avoid damage.
Hold the top and bottom of the TV frame firmly. Make sure not to
hold the transparent part, speaker, or speaker grill area.
When transporting a large TV, there should be at least 2 people.
When transporting the TV by hand, hold the TV as shown in the
following illustration.
When transporting the TV, do not expose the TV to jolts or
excessive vibration.
When transporting the TV, keep the TV upright, never turn the TV
on its side or tilt towards the left or right.
Do not apply excessive pressure to cause flexing /bending of frame
chassis as it may damage screen.
When handling the TV, be careful not to damage the protruding
joystick button.
Avoid touching the screen at all times, as this may result in damage
to the screen.
Do not move the TV by holding the cable holders, as the cable
holders may break, and injuries and damage to the TV may occur.
Turning the TV on or off
Mounting on a table
(Image shown may differ from your TV.)
1 Lift and tilt the TV into its upright position on a table.
Leave a 10 cm (minimum) space from the wall for proper
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
2 Connect the power cord to a wall outlet.
Do not place the TV near or on sources of heat, as this may result in
fire or other damage.
Securing the TV to a wall
(This feature is not available for all models.)
1 Insert and tighten the eye-bolts, or TV brackets and bolts on the
back of the TV.
If there are bolts inserted at the eye-bolts position, remove the
bolts first.
2 Mount the wall brackets with the bolts to the wall.
Match the location of the wall bracket and the eye-bolts on the rear
of the TV.
3 Connect the eye-bolts and wall brackets tightly with a sturdy rope.
Make sure to keep the rope horizontal with the flat surface.
Make sure that children do not climb on or hang on the TV.
Use a platform or cabinet that is strong and large enough to
support the TV securely.
Brackets, bolts and ropes are not provided. You can obtain
additional accessories from your local dealer.
Mounting on a wall
Attach an optional wall mount bracket at the rear of the TV carefully
and install the wall mount bracket on a solid wall perpendicular to
the floor. When you attach the TV to other building materials, please
contact qualified personnel. LG recommends that wall mounting be
performed by a qualified professional installer.
We recommend the use of LG’s wall mount bracket. LG’s wall mount
bracket is easy to move with cables connected. When you do not use
LG’s wall mount bracket, please use a wall mount bracket where the
device is adequately secured to the wall with enough space to allow
connectivity to external devices. It is advised to connect all the cables
before installing fixed wall mounts.
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
10 cm
Make sure to use screws and wall mount bracket that meet the VESA
standard. Standard dimensions for the wall mount kits are described in
the following table.
Separate purchase(Wall mounting bracket)
VESA (mm) (A x B)
100 x 100
200 x 200
Standard screw
Number of screws
Wall mount bracket
Disconnect the power first, and then move or install the TV.
Otherwise electric shock may occur.
Remove the stand before installing the TV on a wall mount by
performing the stand attachment in reverse.
If you install the TV on a ceiling or slanted wall, it may fall and
result in severe injury. Use an authorised LG wall mount and
contact the local dealer or qualified personnel.
Do not over tighten the screws as this may cause damage to the TV
and void your warranty.
Use the screws and wall mounts that meet the VESA standard. Any
damages or injuries by misuse or using an improper accessory are
not covered by the warranty.
Use the screws that are listed on the VESA standard screw
The wall mount kit includes an installation manual and necessary
The wall mount bracket is not provided. You can obtain additional
accessories from your local dealer.
The length of screws may differ depending on the wall mount.
Make sure to use the proper length.
For more information, refer to the manual supplied with the wall
• Preporuča se da pomičete TV u kutiji ili originalnoj ambalaži.
• Prije pomicanja ili podizanja TV-a, odspojite kabel napajanja i sve
• Kad primate TV, okrenite zaslon od sebe kako se ne bi oštetio.
• Čvrsto držite TV na vrhu i dnu. Pazite da ne pridržavate za prozirni dio,
zvučnik ili mrežicu zvučnika.
• Za prenošenje velikog TV-a potrebne su barem dvije osobe.
• Prilikom ručnog transporta TV-a, držite ga kao na donjoj slici
(Prikazana slika može se razlikovati od vašeg TV-a.)
• Ostavite (najmanje) 10 cm razmaka do zida radi pravilne
• Ne postavljajte TV blizu izvora topline jer to može izazvati požar ili
druge štete.
(Nije dostupno za sve modele.)
1 Podignite i postavite TV uspravno na postolje.
2 spojite kabel napajanja na zidnu utičnicu
• Prilikom transporta TV-a, nemojte ga izlagati trzajima ili prekomjernim
• Prilikom transporta TV-a držite ga uspravno, nikad ga ne okrećite na
stranu, niti ne naginjite ulijevo ili udesno.
• Nemojte prejako pritiskati kako se ne bi savinuo okvir i oštetio zaslon.
• Prilikom nošenja TV-a, pazite da ne oštetite joystick tipku.
• Izbjegavajte dodirivanje zaslona jer ga tako možete oštetiti.
• Nemojte pomicati TV držeći ga za držače kabela jer se oni mogu slomiti,
pa može doći do ozljeda i štete.
Imajte na umu sljedeće kako biste spriječili grebanje ili oštećenje TV-a te
osigurali sigurna transport bez obzira na tip i veličinu.
Montaža na postolje
Montaža na zid
Montaža TV-a na zid
• Prvo odspojute kabel napajanja i zatim pomičite i postavljajte TV.
U suprotnome može doći do strujnog udara.
• Prije zidne montaže skinite postolje s TV-a,
• Montirate li TV na strop ili nagnuti zid, može pasti i prouzročiti
ozljede. Upotrijebite odobreni LG-ov zidni nosač i obratite se lokalnom
prodavatelju ili stručnom osoblju.
• Nemojte prejako zatezati vijke jer to može oštetiti TV i poništiti
• Koristite vijke i zidne nosače usklađene sa standardom VESA.
• Bilo kakve štete ili ozljede nastale uslijed korištenja neprikladnog
pribora nisu obuhvaćene jamstvom.
• Koristite vijke navedene u specifikacijama standarda VESA.
• Pribor za zidnu montažu uključuje upute i potrebne dijelove.
• Zidni nosač nije dio isporuke. Dodatni pribor možete nabaviti kod
lokalnog prodavatelja.
• Duljina vijaka se može razlikovati, ovisno o nosaču. Pazite da koristite
vijke odgovarajuće duljine.
• Za više informacija pogledajte priručnik zidnog nosača.
Pažljivo postavite dodatno nabavljivi zidni nosač na poleđnu TV-a
i na čvrsti zid okomit u odnosu na pod. Kad montirate TV na druge
materijale, prije toga se posavjetujte sa stručnim osobljem. LG savjetuje
da zidnu montažu povjerite stručnoj osobi.
Savjetujemo i korištenje LG-ovog zidnog nosača. LG-ovi nosači se lako
pomiču sa spojenim kabelima. Ako ne koristite LG-ov nosač. upotrijebite
onaj kojim će TV biti sigurno pričvršćen na zid, s dovoljno prostora
za spajanje vanjskih uređaja. Savjetujemo spajanje svih kabela prije
postavljanja fiksnih zidnih nosača.
Koristite vijke i zidne nosače usklađene sa standardom VESA.
Standardne dimenzije pribora za montažu na zid navedene su u
sljedećoj tablici.
VESA (mm) (A x B)
Standardni vijak
Broj vijaka
Zidni nosač
Podizanje i pomicanje TV-a
Uključenje ili isključenje TV-a
Nosač se kupuje zasebno
1 Umetnite i zategnite očne vijke ili TV nosače i vijke na poleđini TV-a.
• Ako već ima vijaka na mjestima očnih vijaka, prvo ih izvadite.
2 Montirajte nosače s vijcima na zid.Uskladite mjesto zidnog nosača i
očnih vijaka na poleđini TV-a.
3 Povežite očne vijke i zidne nosače čvrstim konopom. Konop ravnini s
ravnom površinom
• Pazite da se djeca ne penju ili vješaju na TV.
• Koristite dovoljno veliko i čvrsto postolje ili ormarić za sigurno
postavljanje TV-a.
• Nosači, vijci i konopi nisu dio isporuke. Dodatni pribor možete
nabaviti kod lokalnog prodavatelja.
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2016.06.08. 19:40:43