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LGE Internal Use Only
Only for training and service purposes
(2) Control B/D Program Download
[Executing order]
1) Check whether the TV is for lodging or Healthcare.
2) Unplug the power cord of the TV.
3) Set the RS-232C select switch on the back of the TV in the
direction of CONTROL.
4) With the RS-232C cable, connect the RS-232C port of the TV
and the COM port of the PC.
5) Execute “Hyper Terminal” program of PC and assign the Name and Icon.
6) After checking the port number connected to the TV from
Control Panel
Device Manager
Ports, set the Port for the Connect using.
7) Set 115200 for Bit per second, 8 for Data bits, None for Parity,
1 for Stop bits, None for Flow control, and then click on “OK” button.
8) Check if the “Hyper Terminal” is connected.
Turn on the TV while pressing the UPDATE SWITCH on the
rear part of TV, and check the following menu screen.
9) Input “a” to execute the Erase Flash. When it displays the menu screen,
input “b” to execute the Program Flash.
10) Click on the “Transfer” menu on the above and select “Send text file”.
Select the “.s19” file to download and click on “Open” button.
(Check whether the TV is for