PKI Pre-Installation Guide
Version 2.0.0
Page 24
5.6.2 Email Encryption
Emails can only be encrypted when the encryption certificate can be found for
of the
recipients – this limits encrypted emails to those users in the global address book. The
encryption certificate on the card (if available) is used for the authenticated user if he/she sends
email to his/herself.
This feature can be always disabled, always enabled, or the user can be prompted. The
prompt that appears depends on the signing setting.
Always Disabled
Always Sign
Prompt User
When the email is both signed and encrypted, it can be signed once or twice. When
signed twice, the email is signed, encrypted, and then the resulting message is signed
again. Choosing the double-signing methods reduces the maximum allowed email size to
approximately 15MB. Which method should be used?
Sign and Encrypt
Sign and Encrypt and Sign Again
The LDAP configuration designated for the Address Book Lookup in section 5.5 is used
for searching for the encryption certificates. A primary and alternate LDAP attribute can
be specified for the location of the user’s certificates. The defaults are
“userSMIMECertificate” and “userCertificate”, respectively. If different attributes
should be used, specify below.
Primary LDAP Attribute: _____________________________________________
Attribute: ___________________________________________
The primary attribute is searched first; if no valid encryption certificate is found, the
alternate attribute is searched. If no valid certificate is found, an error message is
displayed and the email is cancelled.
5.6.3 Results
The following table details the results based on the email signing and encryptions specified