PKI Pre-Installation Guide
Version 2.0.0
Page 4
2 Basic Network Configuration
This section is used to help get the device setup on the network. Even if the device has already
been added to the network, please complete this section so that this information can be used as
2.1 IP Address
The device can be configured to acquire an IP Address via DHCP or a static IP Address can be
assigned to it. Which method should be used?
Static IP Address
If using a static IP Address, the following information is needed:
The IP Address for the MFP needs to be assigned.
The IP Address of the Gateway:
_______ . _______ . _______ . _______
The Netmask:
_______ . _______ . _______ . _______
If the device has not or will not be connected to the network prior to the PKI installation, please
make sure the appropriate people are available to assist in getting the device active on the
2.2 DNS and WINS Servers
In order for the device to function correctly on the network, it needs to be able to resolve DNS
names. Please provide the IP Address for the following servers:
WINS Server:
_______ . _______ . _______ . _______
Primary DNS Server:
_______ . _______ . _______ . _______
Backup DNS Server (optional):
_______ . _______ . _______ . _______